Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

MMPI Interpretation – Anastasya Glezerman, Ph.D.

MMPI-2: Basic Scales

? – cannot say>30 – invalid, reading difficulty, gross impairment in decision-making, paranoid, obsessive, avoiding the task0-5 – normal
L – lie>60 – might be invalid, unsophisticated attempt to present self in favorable light, all false responding>4raw – rigid, repressed, conforming, naïve, uses denial, low education, clerical profession2-4 – can admit minor faults, independent, relaxed, honest<2 – cynical and wary, all true resp.
F – rarely endorsed items>90 – faking bad, random responding, all true responding65-80 – psychotic, organic, plea for help, or 6-8/8-6 profile58-64 – confusion, emotional problems, unconvent. beliefscalm, conventionalvery low – denial of psychopathology, very rigid and conventional, faking good
Fbackthe same for items after 370the same
K – subtle defensiveness>70 – invalid, all false resp., faking good (esp. if F-K <-11)60-70 – denial of vulnerability and psychopathology, little insight & tolerance, blaming others, no antisocial tendenciesvery low – faking bad (esp. if F-K >+11), confusion, conforming, suspicious, week emotional-behavioral controls, distress, low self-esteem, interpersonal problems, all true res.
VRINrandom responding, confused psychosis
TRINall true respondingall false responding
1-Hs-Hypochondriasis>80 – somatic delusions>65 – somatic concerns, vague and epigastric somatic complaints, somatization, pessimism, psychologically naive, narcissism, immaturity, rigidity58-64 – lesser degree of the above or an actual disorder38-45 – adequately adjusted, insightful, may appear moralistic and interpersonally detached<38 – deinvested in their bodies, high risk behaviors
2 – D – Depression>80 – check for suicidal ideation, severe depression75-85 – moderate depression, 65-75 – mildunhappy, low self-esteem, helplesness, hopelesness – depression, withdrawal, psychomotor retardationD1 – Subjective depression – agitation, meaninglessness, insecurity, low self-esteemD2 – Psychomotor retardation – immobilized, socially avoidant, motorically slow, deny hostilityD3 – Physical malfunctioning – preoccupation with physical symptomsD4 – Mental dullness – memory/concentration problems, lack of energy, hopelessness, helplessnessD5 – Brooding – ruminative, unable to control intrusive thoughts, irritable, sensitive to criticism, lack meaningnorm – comfortable, gregarious, active, alert, enthusiasticvery low – lack of impulse control, conflict with societal values, manic state
3 – Hy – Hysteria>80 – might be conversion reactiondenial of psychological and interpersonal problems and vulnerabilities and specific somatic problems, psychologically naive, narcissistic, neurotic defenses, need attention, suggestible, may have problems with authority, sexual & aggressive acting out or be overly conventionalmoderate elevation – pollyannishHy1 – Denial of social anxiety – extroverted, good social skills, accept criticismHy2 – Need for affection – attention-seeking, trusting, nonconfrontational, deny unpleasant facts and feelingsHy3 – Lassitude-malaise – weakness, fatigue, attention/concentration problems, seek attentionHy4 – Somatic complaints – specific (chest pin, nausea, etc.)Hy5 – Inhibition of aggression – deny hostilityvery low – tough-minded, cynical, misantropic or low need for people, narrow range of interests, conforming, show little affect
4 – Pd – Psychopatic deviate>75 – angry rebelliousness against social mores, shallow, hostile, and manipulative interpersonal relationships, inability to profit from experience or plan ahead, anger at family, antisocial behavior, moodiness, personality disorders, substance abuse, sexual immorality, aggressive outbursts, immaturity, exhibitionism, use projection65-75 – authority problemsPd1 – Familial discord – perception of family as unsupportive, distressing, or abusivePd2 – Authority problems – assertive, opinionated, rebellious, in trouble at school or with the lawPd3 – Social imperturbability – socially skilled, seek interaction, are assertive, deny dependencyPd4 – Social alienation – feel lonely, are self-centered, unhappy, project responsibility, externalize conflictsPd5 – Self-alienation – agitated, unhappy, guilt, lack of self-integration, poor concentration, may be alcohol abusenorm – interpersonally adequate, sincere, concerned for othersvery low – conforming, rigid, follow authority, tolerate boredom and mediocrity, males often show lack of interest and mistrust of females
5 – Mf – Masculinity/femininity>80 – serious sexual problem, in psychiatric patients: males – anxiety, depression, guilt; females – psychosis with hallucinations, delusions, suspiciousnessmilder elevation – not traditional gender role (as indicated by vocational and aesthetic interests, sexual role interests, degree of dependency, and activity vs. passivity)traditional gender role
6 – Pa – Paranoia>75 – psychosis, paranoia, paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of persecutionmoderate elevation – hostile, externalizing, hypervigilant/suspicious, egocentric, self-righteous, angry, sexual deviation or preoccupation is probablePa1 – Persecutory ideas – perceive others as threat, feel misunderstood, blame others, project conflicts and responsibilityPa2 – Poignancy – perceive self as more sensitive and intense in feelings than others, feel misunderstood/lonely, may be stimulation/risk-seekingPa3 – Naivete – trusting, deny hostility and ulterior motives in self and others<40 – underacheivers, interpersonally insensitive, optimistic; in psychiatric pt-s – subtle defensiveness, suspicion, controlled anger, paranoid disorder (in bright pt-s)
7 – Pt – Psychasthenia>75 – excessive fear and anxiety, might have panic attacks, show general discontent, obsessions, anxiety, indecision, poor concentration, self-devaluation, anxious ruminatios, perfectionistic standardsself-confident, content, ambitious, relaxed toward responsibilities
8 – Sc – Schizophrenia>90 – significantly disturbed, acute situational distress, identity crisis or faking bad70-90 – may be a thought disorder: confused thught process, hallusinations, social alienation, depression, dissatisfaction, attention problems, agitation, anxiety, irritability, high standards, guilt, low self-esteemSc1 – Social alienation – feel alienated, misunderstood and mistreated, socially avoidantSc2 – Emotional alienation – depression/despair or flat affect/apathy, poss. sadistic/masochisticSc3 – Lack of ego mastery, cognitive – odd/confused thoughts, feelings of unreality/depersonal.Sc4 – Lack of ego mastery, conative – feel helpless, inhibited, psychologically weak, worried, withdrawn, depressed, despairingSc5 – Lack of ego mastery, defective inhibition – frightened by the sense of impending loss of control, ego-alien affect, hyperactive, labile affect, irritable, poss. amnesic episodesSc6 – Bizarre sensory experiences – unusual physical symptoms, depersonalization, unusual thoughts, delusions of influence, hallucinationsvery low – happy, accepting of authority, yielding in rel-s, very rigid and conventional thinling, not creative
9 – Ma – Mania>80 – poss. manic /psychotic episodemoderate elevation – high energy, distractability, lack of persistence, extroversion, stimulation seeking, grandiosity, amorality, may be controlling, aggressive, narcissisticMa1 – Amorality – see others as dishonest and self-centered, manipulative, exploitativeMa2 – Psychomotor acceleration – accelerated motoric/thougt/speech patterns, labile affect, stimulation seeking, hyperactive, may have impulses to shock and harm othersMa3 – Imperturbability – deny social anxiety, feel irritable toward others, not influenced by themMa4 – Ego inflation – grandiose, narcissistic, resent demands from othersvery low – little energy, low self-confidence, pessimistic, depressed, reliable, responsible, may be tense and anxious
0 – Si – Social Introver.Si1 – Shiness/self-consciousness – shy, uncomfortable with peopleSi2 – Social avoidance – avoid groupsSi3 – Self/other alienation – low self-esteem, low self-confidence, indecisive, nervousvery low – extroverted, superficial and manipulative in rel-s.

MMPI-2: Code Types

CodeDescriptionPossible diagnoses
Spike 1Somatization used to control others, not psychologically-minded.
1-2/2-1Somatic disturbance, irritability, agitation, pain, anxiety, pessimism, depression, restlessness, tension, passive-dependent, concrete thinking, do not take responsibilitySomatoform dis., Anxiety dis., Conversion dis., Chronic alcohol intoxication, Female psychosexual dysfunction, Somatization
1-2-3“Neurotic triad” – elevated in most neuroses, exaggerated need for affection“Conversion V” – use somatic disorder as a projection channel for problems
1-2-9/2-1-9acute clinical distress, neurological problems, masked depression
1-2-3-4/2-1-3-4alcoholism, often hostile and acting out
1-3/3-1Neurotic symptoms and somatic concerns, shallow rel-s, narcissistic, resentful, pollyannaish or avoidant of problems and responsibilities, attention seeking, irritable, whining, martyr-complexpassive, suggestable, use repression and denial
1-3-8Possible somatic delusions, depression, suicidal ideation, religious or sexual preoccupation, loud, angry, anxious, restlessParanoid schizophrenia
1-3-9Impulsive, spells of aggressiveness, migt have organic brain damageSomatoform disorder, brain damage
1-4/4-1More common in men, problems in meeting responsibilities, self-pity, antiauthoritarian attitudes, somatization, narcissism, alcohol problems, vocational and interpersonal problemsHypochondriasis, Social phobia, Chronic alcohol intoxication,Substance abuse, Somatization, Affective disorer
1-6/6-1Somatic and hypochondriacal preoccupation, projected hostility, might be a defence against emerging psychosisSomatization, Paranoid schizophrenia
1-7/7-1High somatic tension, obsessive patterns focusing on somatic complaints and pain, inferiority feelings, may report sleep problems, depressionSomatization, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorder
1-8/8-1Vague and odd medical complaints, cannot acknowledge aggression, often passive-aggressive, socially inadequate, lack trust in others, alienated, schizoidPedophilia, Schizoid Pers. dis., Acute schizophrenia, Affective dis., Borderline
1-9/9-1Agitation, irritability, disteress, high ambitions, passive-dependent, lack coherent goals, yet present carefree and competent exteriorMasked depression, PTSD, brain damage, Dependent pers. dis., Sexual masochism
1-0/0-1Social discomfort, passive-avoidant, conventional, somatic complaints
Spike 2Sometimes depression developed out of inability to deal with aggression, rage outbursts, are introverted and reservedReactive depression
2-3/3-2Apathetic depression, anxiety, overcontrol, somatic complaints, passive dependency, shyness, seek but are stressed by responsibility, acheivement- and power-oriented, sensitive to rejection, avoidantFemale psychosexual dysfunction, Depression, Generalized anxiety dis., Histrionic pers. dis., Panic dis., Affective dis., Bipolar or Cyclothymic dis.
2-3-7High aspirations and standards, passive-aggressive, dependentPhobic disorders and sexual dysfunctions
2-4/4-2Depression, stimulation-seeking, substance abuse common, social, legal, family problems, immature, egocentric, ambivalent, self-pity, projection, manipulative, impulsive, disturbed family background common, suicidalAcute alcohol intoxication, Schizophrenia, Psychopathy, Antisocial pers. dis., Unsocialized Conduct dis., Adjustment dis.
2-4-7/7-4-2/4-7-2Hostile, fearful, worried, avoidant, immature, ruminative, phobicPassive-aggressive pers., Alcohol abuse
2-5/5-2Women: lower SES, interpersonal and social role conflict; men: passive, noncompetitive, sensitive, idealistic, use fantasy, may have mild depressionPassive-aggressive pers. dis., Dependent pers. dis.
2-6/6-2Mostly females, physical problems, interpersonal stress, flat affect, paranoid ideation, anger, hostility, dependent, suicidal (manipulative)Paranoid pers., Major depression, Paranoid schizophrenia, Histrionic, Borderline
2-7/7-2Depression, agitation, rumination, difficulties in concentration, somatic complaints, suicidal ideation, obsessive-compulsive patterns, insomnia, passivity, dependency, intrapunitive, emotionally distant, don’t show anger and hostility, rigid thinking, perfectionistic, best therapy candidatesAgoraphobia, Avoidant p.d., Dependent p.d., Depressions, Bipolar, Dysthymia, Alcoholism, Factitious dis., Generalized anxiety, Identity dis., Obsessive-compulsive dis., Psychogenic pain, Schizotypal p.d., Sexual masochism, Stuporous catatonic schizophrenia, Zoophilia, PTSD, Adjustment dis.
CodeDescriptionPossible diagnoses
2-7-8/2-8-7Tense, phobic, depressed, suicidal, psychotic/schizoid reactions/episodes
2-8/8-2Childhood hurt and deprivation common, confusion, sense of being “broken”, concreteness, social awkwardness, dependency, tension, depression, blackouts, nausea, vomiting, seriously suicidal, sense of being rejected, inadequateDepression, Bipolar/Cyclothymic dis., Brain damage, PTSD, Generalized anxiety, Explosive, Panic, Schizoaffective dis.
2-9/9-2Manic defenses against depression, self-centered, agitated, moody, irritable, anxious, somatic problems, narcissistic, exhibitionistic, competitiveBipolar, Brain damage, Alcolism
2-0/0-2Shy, insecure, socially inept, introverted, depression frequently mild and chronic or episodicDepression, Avoidant p.d., Schizoid p.d., Bipolar/Cyclothymic
Spike 3Pollyannish, conventional, deny anger, no insight, use somatization, avoidant
3-4/4-3Chronic anger/hostility, impulse control problems, violent outbursts (may be normally overcontrolled), sensitive to criticism, use projection and denial, passive-aggressive, conflicts around dependency, avoid responsibility, masked depressive componentHistrionic, Borderline, Passive-aggressive, avoidant, Dissociative, Intermittent-explosive, Manic, Pedophilia, Psychogenic amnesia, Voyerism, Substance abuse, Rape
3-5/5-3Narcissism, denial, immaturity, passivityTransvestism
3-6/6-3Anxiety, tension, rigidity, fear of criticism, supressed hostility emerging in passive or episodic aggression, suspiciousness, egocentricity, projectionParanoia, Pranoid p.d., Paranoid schizophrenia, Somatization, Affective dis.
3-7/7-3“Anticipatory worrier”, responsible, use repression and denial, fear loss of control of anger in self or othersDepersonalization dis., Somatization, Anxiety dis.
3-8/8-3Confusion, distress, anxiety attacks, histrionic, narcissistic, dependent, lapses of memory, poor concentration, unusual ideas, loose associations, may have delusions and hallucinationsMultiple personality, Pedophilia, Schizophrenia, Somatization, Psychosis, Affective dis.
3-9/9-3Mostly females, extroverted, dramatic, attention seeking, aggressive, easily distort own perceptions, sexual problems, somatic complaintsSomatization, Bipolar, Conversion, Explosive p.d., Psychosis, Histrionic, Panic, passive-aggressive
Spike 4Problems with law, psychopathic, egocentric, impulsive, superficial rel-sPsychopathy
4-5/5-4Antiestablishment, antiauthioritarian, defensive, passively rebellious, ambivalent over dependency/control/sexual identityNarcissistic, Passive-aggressive, Exhibitionism, Opiate abuse, Aggression
4-6/6-4Narcissistic, immature, suspicious, angry, transfer-of-blame, seek attention, reject responsibility, intermittent aggressionSubstance abuse, Oppositional p.d., Paranoid schizophrenia, Somatization, Passive-aggressive, Depression, Paranoia
4-7/7-4Insensitivity and social alienation may cycle with moodiness and exaggerated interpersonal sensitivity, family problems, counterphobic sexual deviationSubstance abuse, Bipolar/Cyclothymic dis.
4-8/8-4Narcissistic, unpredictable, schizoid, antisocial, with underlying dependency and loss of control, perceive others as hostile and dangerous, may have periods of suicidal ideation or aggression, avoid constancy and responsibilityExibitionism, Pedophilia, Psychopathy, Schizoid, Antisocial, Borderline, Pyromania, Rape, Paranoid schizophrenia, Sexual sadism, Aggressive conduct dis.
4-8-6Usually very destructive family background, “world is a jungle”
4-9/9-4Do not profit from experience, ignore social standards, seek stimulation, are self-centered, have superficial and short relationships, narcissistic, impulsive, acting-out, intellectualize to excess, expect quick results from therapySubstance abuse, Pathological gambling, Rape, Psychopathy, Antisocial, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Sexual sadism, Socialized nonaggressive conduct disorder
4-0/0-4Usually females, carry a lot of anger they cannot express, shy, evasive, hold grudges, passive-aggressive
Spike 5Either transient situational disturbance or normal, liberal college males and open homosexuals, rep. self-confidence and good physical and psychological health
5-6/6-5Aloof, abrasive, self-righteous, see themselves as perfect
5-7/7-5Introspective, excitable, interpersonally sensitive, may have episodes of anxiety and depression, females show many interpersonal problemsSchizoid, Passive-aggressive, Anxiety reactions
5-8/8-5usually from abusive or dysfunctional families, may have odd or intrusive thoughts, shy, reserved, have family and sexual problems
5-9/9-5Stimulation-seeking, easily bored, like to be in control, see themselves positively
5-0/0-5Introspective, schizoid, anxious, problems in sexual rel-s, see themselves as happy and well adjusted
Spike 6Openly distrustful and suspicious or clinically paranoid
6-7/7-6Anxious, tense, guilt-prone, ruminative, hypersensitive, use obsessive-compulsive defenses, misinterpret othersObsessive-compulsive dis., Multiple phobias, Anxiety reactions, Affective dis., Avoidant dis.
6-8/8-6Rebellion, anger, fear of persecution, aggressive acting out, pre- or psychotic adjustment, underlying inferiority, fearfulness, low self-esteem, emotionally unstableSubstance abuse, Paranoid schizophrenia, Brain damage, Borderline, Schizoaffective, Psychopathy, Antisocial p.d.
6-7-8Where 6&8 are >75 and 7 is <65 – “paranoid valley” – might have paranoid schizophrenia, auditory hallucinations, psychotic behavior, autistic thinkingm blunted affect, rapid and incoherent speech, withdrawal into fantasy, low insight
6-9/9-6Hostile, angry, excitable, counterphobic response to strong dependency needs and insecurity, overresponsive to emotional slightsBrain damage, Manic episode, Bipolar, Dysthymic, Paranoid schizophrenia
6-0/0-6Shy, easily embarrassed, have distant relationships, but usually well adjusted
Spike 7Shy, fearful, phobic, obsessive-compulsive, tense
7-8/8-7Depressive and obsessive-compulsive features, insecure, distressed, socially inadequate, may deteriorate into schizophrenia with neologisms, bizarre speech, depersonalization, catatonic stupor, may be suicidalBorderline p.d., Substance abuse, Brief reactive psychosis, Depression, Obsessive-compulsive dis., Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform dis.
0-7/7-0Tension, insecurity, anxiety, low self-confidence, interpersonal difficultiesAnxiety dis-s, Agoraphobia, Avoidant p.d.
Spike 8Odd, eccentric, nonconformist, aloof or psychotic
8-9/9-8Narcissistic, hostile, interpersonal problems, outbursts of anger or exuberance, hyperactive, high need to achieve, inability to keep attention on one subject, if schizophrenic may have odd/pressed speech, hallucinations, confusion, prognosis is poorActing out, Substance abuse, Agitated catatonic schizophrenia, Brain damage, Depression, Schizoaffective, Disorganised/Paranoid schizophrenia, Mania, Bipolar/Dysthymic dis.
8-0/0-8Socially avoidant, nonverbal, indecisive, isolated, show anxiety and escape into fantasySchizoid p.d., Avoidant p.d., Schizophrenia
Spike 9Aggressive acting-out in males, extroverted, sociable, no intimacy, high energy level, may show manic or grandiose episodes, impulsive, rebellious, may be anxious, striving to fulfill their ambitions, easily frustratedSubstance abuse, Antisocial p.d.
9-0/0-9Adequate social skills, high energy,self-confident, present as happy and well-adjusted, may be grandiose and a bit manic
Spike 0Situational adjustment difficulties or schizoid adjustment or mild but chronic distress; they are shy \and easily embarrassed, prone to phobias and fears
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