NAAPTC Assessment Procedure

NAAPTC Assessment Procedure

1. Receive the referral from Dr. Glezerman

2. Call the referral source and discuss the referral question and the best way to contact the Client.

3. Review the chart for relevant information – it will save time during the interview.

4. Call the Client and schedule an appointment. If there is a “no show”, give two more appointments and warn both the Client and the referral source that, if 3 appointments are missed, the case will be put to the back of the waiting list.

5. Discuss the test battery with Dr. Glezerman.

6. Administer the diagnostic interview and the test battery.

NB: During the first session with the Client discuss the testing and feedback procedure, discuss limits of confidentiality, sign consent for assessment and consent for the release of medical records. Mail or fax the request for records right away and follow up weekly (unless they are already in the chart or the Client or a relative can give you a complete and reliable health history). You need to request: current diagnoses, current medications, history and physical, hospitalization records, and prior psychiatric, psychological, neuropsychological, and neurological evaluations, if any.

Since there are several people using tests, please conform to the following procedures: return all tests and manuals to the testing cabinet by the end of the day; make sure you do not use the last copy of any forms – inform Dr. Glezerman if we are short; make sure you lock the testing cabinet.

7. Score the tests and write the report draft. The first draft is due within a month from receiving the referral, unless there are some special circumstances.

8. Discuss the draft with Dr. Glezerman. Make sure you attach complete test data to your draft (i.e. the scores for all tests which have normative data and verbatim responses for all projectives).

9. Write the final report.

10. Give the final version to Dr. Glezerman for review.

11. Provide the feedback to the referral source and discuss what and how of the feedback to the Client. Try to arrange for the therapist to be present at the feedback session.

12. Provide feedback to the Client.

13. Put the original report, the consent form, releases and medical records in the chart. Make sure all your notes are co-signed. Put the raw test data, a summary of test results and a copy of your report in a folder in the locked testing cabinet.

14. Relax! You are finished with the case.

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