Client Resources

These links are intended for information only. They do not constitute medical advice.

General Information sites on Various Neuropsychological Disorders

  • Virtual Hospital (An accessible resource from the University of Iowa, including information about disorders and symtoms.)
  • MedlinePlus (A comprehensive resource from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.)
  • The Brain Matters (A resource from the American Academy of Neurology Foundation, includes symptoms, causes, treatment options and resources.)
  • NINDS (A resource from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes.)

Medications Information

  • FDA (The official site of U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a comprehensive source.)
  • MayoClinic (Includes prescription and over-the-counter medications as well as vitamins and supplements.)

Resources for Caregivers and Family Members

  • FCA (Family Caregiver Alliance offers information, resources, support groups and practical advise, including available programs and benefits.)
  • NAC (National Alliance for Caregiving webste is searcheable and offers a variety of resources.)
  • TBI Guide (An e-book for brain injury survivors and caregivers.)

Resources for Adults

Resources for Older Adults

Resources for Children

Useful Software and on-line Games and Puzzles to Improve Attention, Concentration, Memory and Language

  • PalmGear (A huge archive of Palm Pilot software, includes numerous puzzles and games, many are freeware and shareware.)
  • Free Games (A large collection of games, including word, logic, puzzle games, etc.)
  • World of Free Games (A huge archive of free PC games, well organized.)
  • (Includes on-line puzzles which change daily and archives.)
  • yourDictionary (Numerous dictionaries and word puzzles and games.)
  • Clueword (Multilingual word puzzles and games.)
  • English International Lyon (Language training with on-line exercises.)
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