Example of Recommendations in Psychodiagnostic Assessment Reports

Example of Recommendations in Psychodiagnostic Assessment Reports

In general terms, recommendations should follow from your test results – i.e. compensate for or correct psychological or cognitive difficulties by means of using Client’s psychological or cognitive competencies and strengths. Try to elicit specific problems the referral source wants you to address during your initial consultation – the more specific they are, the more useful your recommendations can be.


1.X be referred to the students with disabilities office at his school to receive appropriate accommodation and support services.

2.X be provided with individual tutoring to help him concentrate on and organize information for future recall because of his concentration and organizational deficit.

3.X be allowed double time in quiet environment without distractions for tests and exams because of concentration deficit and slowed processing speed.

4.X use tape recorder to record lectures and be given all assignments in written form because of difficulties in processing complex or extensive auditory instructions

5.X supplement written materials with multimodal input (such as computerized courses combining visual and auditory input).

6.X has already developed good compensation strategies for his attention deficit and difficulties with organization. However, he may benefit from reviewing available resources for students with ADHD and learning disabilities. Some helpful websites include: www.ncld.org, www.ldonline.org, and www.schwablearning.org

7.In terms of organizational difficulties, X’ learning is likely to improve if he forces himself to organize information as early as possible in the learning process. Taking notes and creating tables is likely to be helpful.

8.Intentionally slowing down, backtracking, and acquiring a habit of checking one’s work may allow X to compensate for difficulties with attention and concentration. For example, when X is solving math problems, he can verbalize steps required to solve the problem, which would slow him down and ensure that he does not miss steps while calculating the answer (e.g. to add two three-digit numbers, I need to add the third digits, if the result is more then ten I write one over the second digits and the remainder in the third space under the line, then I add the second digits plus one if there is a one over the second digits, etc.). If X’s tutor can help him to write out step-by-step instructions for solving this type of problem, it would be helpful. After completing the problem, X can repeat the solution. If the results are identical, they are probably correct. This is a slow and cumbersome process, but it would benefit X in the long run, since he will train himself to concentrate. Circling the computational sign or key words in instructions before attempting the problem may also be helpful to focus X’s attention.

9.A similar strategy can be employed for language-related tasks. X can use repetition, rephrasing, and summarizing to improve his understanding of lecture material. For example, when he reads or listens to the tape recorder, he can repeat and then rephrase each sentence for himself to make sure he attended to it and understood its meaning. Once he completed a paragraph, he can type a brief summary for that paragraph. Once he read or listened to an article or a chapter or a part of lecture in this way, he can re-read his summary notes and summarize the main ideas and important points he will need to remember and understand for the class. For maximum effectiveness, this process should be started with a tutor, who can go through it step-by-step with X and provide a concrete example of its application.

10.Quiet and uncluttered work environment that is empty of distractions is likely to improve Mr. X’s concentration while he is studying. Having a set period of study time every day may also help him organize himself.

11.For complex tasks, a written checklist with each task being checked off as it is accomplished is likely to be very helpful.

12.Finally, external organizational tools, such as day planer or an electronic organizer or palm pilot, including scheduler with alarm, is likely to be very helpful to Mr. X.

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