Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychologycal Battery (adult >15) – Interpretation

I. General Interpretive Strategy

1. Look at demographic and obtained IQ scores- compare obtained scores with demographically based norms.

Barona Index: FSIQ = Age ()*.47 + Sex ()*1.76 + Race ()*4.71 + Educ ()*5.02 + Occup ()*1.89 + Region ()*.59 + 54.96 = X+12.14

Age: 1 = 16-17years Sex: 1 = M Race: 1 = Black

2 = 18-19 2 = F 2 = Other

3 = 20-24 3 = White

4 = 25-34

5 = 35-44

6 = 45-54

7 = 55-64

8 = 65-69

9 = 70-74

Educ.: 1 = 0-7 years Occup.: 1 = Unskilled Region: 1 = South

2 = 8 2 = Semiskilled 2 = N. Central

3 = 9-11 3 = Not Employed 3 = West

4 = 12 4 = Skilled 4 = Northeast

5 = 13-15 5 = Business & Government

6 = 16+ 6 = Professional & Technical

Estimated WAIS-R Deterioration IQ (DETIQ): (Dig.Sp.+Bl.Des.+Dig.Symb.+Sim.)*1.25 + 50 = DETIQ

Deterioration Quotient (DETQ): (FSIQ-DETIQ)/FSIQ = DETQ, if DETQ >.11 – indicative of impairment.

2. Review most sensitive indicators of presence/absence of brain damage: Neuropsychological Deficit Scale, Average Impairment Rating, Halstead Impairment Index, Categories (>51 errors, after 51 age becomes the cutoff score), Tactual Performance Test – Location (<4), Trails B (>91 sec., > 3 times slower than Trails A).

A. Neuropsychological Deficit Scale:

Test Name0123
Verbal IQ90+82-8973-81< 72
Performance IQ90+82-8973-81< 72
Impairment Index0 – .2.3 – .4.5 – .7.8 – 1
Category Test0 – 2526 – 4546 – 6465 +
TPT Total Time0’ – 9’9.1’ – 15.0’15.1’ – 25.0’25.1’ +
TPT Memory8 – 1074 – 60 – 3
TPT Localization7 – 1063 – 50 – 2
Seashore Rhythm Test – correct28 – 3025 – 2720 – 240 – 19
Speech-Sounds Perception Test – errors0 – 67 – 1011 – 1516 +
Finger Tapping – Dominant Hand55 +50-5441 – 490 – 40
Finger Tapping – Non-dominant Hand49 +45 – 4837 – 440 – 36
Trail Making Test – Part A0” – 26”27” – 39”40” – 51”52” +
Trail Making Test – Part B0” – 65”66” – 85”86” – 120”121” +
Tactile Form Recognition – total time0” – 16”17” – 23”24” – 33”34” +
Bilateral Tactile Stimulation – errors012 -34 +
Bilateral Auditory Stimulation – errors0123 +
Bilateral Visual Stimulation – errors012 -34 +
Tactile Finger Recognition – errors0 – 23 – 45 – 89 +
Finger-tip Number Writing – errors0 – 34 – 67 – 1112 +
Auditory Verbal Dysgnosiayes
Visual Number Dysgnosiayes
Visual Letter Dysgnosiayes
Body Dysgnosiayes
Constructional Dyspraxiayes
Central Dysarthriayes
Spelling Dyspraxiayes
Right-Left confusionyes
VIQ/PIQ Difference0 – 56 – 1011 – 1920 +
HII and FSIQII = 0 – .4 or II = .5 – 1 & FSIQ = < 90II = .5 – 1 & FSIQ = 90 – 95II = .5 – 1 & FSIQ = 96 – 100II = .5 – 1 & FSIQ = 101+
Finger Tapping (1 – non-dom./dom.).08 – .12.13 – .16.07 – .05.17 – .21.04 – (-.03).22 +(-.04) –
TPT (1 – non-dom./dom.).38 – .26.25 – .15.39 – .42.14 – .05.43 – .50.04 -.51 +
Grip Strength (1 – non-dom./dom.).08 – .12.13 – .17.07 – .06.18 – .20.05 – .00.21 +(-.01) –
Tactile Form Recognition (dom. – nond.)0 – 1”2” – 3”4” – 5”6” +
Bilateral Tactile Stimulation (r. err. – l. err.)0123 +
Bilateral Auditory Stimulation (r. err.-l. err.)0123 +
Bilateral Visual Stimulation (r. err. – l. err.)0123 +
Tactile Finger Recognition (error % for the hand with largest # of errors in table ->,use row with total # of errors below)21 or more18 – 2015 – 1712 – 149 – 116 – 83 – 50 – 2


55-5755-5755-5856-5857-5957-6360-671 error


61 +63 +64 +64 +64 +71 +80 +-
Finger-tip Number Writing (use calculations & table above)

Total of all ratings making up the Neuropsychological Deficit Scale, the rough cutoff point for the impaired range is 25or higher.

B. Halstead’s Impairment Index:

Test NameTest ScoreCutoff ScoreImpaired range
Category Test (errors)>51
TPT Total Time (minutes)>15.7
TPT Memory (correct)<5
TPT Localization (correct)<4
Seashore Rhythm (correct)<25
Speech-Sound Perception (errors)>8
Finger Oscillation (Domin. Hand – # of taps in 10 seconds)<50

HII = (# of scores in impaired range) / (total # of scores) = X

For people with higher of PIQ or VIQ =/> 100 HII of .4 or > falls into impaired range, for people with higher of PIQ or VIQ < 100 HII of .5 or > falls into impaired range.

C. Average Impairment Rating:

Test Name012345
Category (errors)< 2526-5253-7576-105106-131132 +
TPT Total Time (minutes)< 99.1-15.615.7-2121.1-29.9>30 & 14-30 blocks>30 & 13-0 blocks
TPT Memory (correct)10-98-65-43-210
TPT Localization (correct)10-76-54-32-10 & TPT Mem.>00 & TPT Mem.=0
Speech-Sounds (errors)0-34-78-1415-2526-3031 +
Seashore Rhythm (errors)0-23-56-910-1314-1819 +
Finger Tapping (# – use the worst of two hands)Dom. MaleFemaleNondom. MaleFemanle






Trail Making B Time (min.)<5758-8788-123124-186187-275276 +
Aphasia Screen (errors)01-67-1516-2526-4041 +
Spatial Relations (errors, if BD<PC or PA add 2 points)12-34-56-78-910-12
Perceptual Exam: Bilateral Simultaneous Stimulation (errors)0-45-1213-3031-5051-8081 +
Digit Symbol Scaled Score & Perc. Average -1, where (Av-1) = (PA+PC+BD)/3-1DS>12 & >(Av-1)DS>12 & <(Av-1)orDS=9-11DS=7-8 & >(Av-1)DS=7-8 & <(Av-1)orDS=5-6 & >(Av-1)DS=5-6 & <(Av-1)orDS=3-4 & >(Av-1)DS=3-4 & <(Av-1)orDS=2-1 & >(Av-1)DS=2-0 & < (Av-1)

The Average Impairment rating is calculated by dividing the sum of ratings by the number of ratings (12) and evaluating on the following scale (from none to severe impairment):

0 1 2 3 4 5


0-1 1.01-1.35 1.36-2 2.01-2.85 2.86-3.5 3.51-5

3. Evaluate for lateralization/localization:

Right vs. Left errors on sensory and motor tests, Dysphasia vs. Dyspraxia, PIQ (r) vs. VIQ (l), Speech (l) vs. Rhythm (r), Trails A vs. Trails B (B<A – left, A<B – right). Look at motor vs. sensory, WAIS patterns, pathognomic signs.

4. Evaluate the course of the lesion:

Trails B, Speech/Rhythm (acute-both impaired approximately equally, if one is significantly worse than other – more chronic and localized), pathognomic signs with (acute) / without (chronic) general impairment.

5. Look at etiology

6. Behavioral description of strengths and weaknesses

7. Prognosis

II. Tests

TestCutoff for ImpairmentFunctions TestedLocalization InformationNotes
Category Test>51 errors, after 51 years age becomes the cutoff scoreCurrent learning skill, concept formation, concept utilization, degree of generalization, mental efficiency, vsuo-spatial component, judgement, memory, ability to use external feedbackSensitive, but not specific to frontal lobe damage208 items; subtests 5&6 – figure-ground rel-ps; subtest 3 pulls for perseveration; can prorate by adding 15 to # of errors on subtests 1-4 if subjects gives up after subtest 4
Tactual Performance TestTotal time > 15.7’;Memory < 5 correct;Localization < 4 correctmotor speed, use of haptic info to guide behavior (spatial but not visual), response to novel situation & type of problem, incidental haptic memorylook at left/right hand differences; primary motor and sensory areas (frontal & parietal)30% improvement is expected on the second trial; pattern for times (dom/ nond/both = 6:4:3); if takes more than 10 minutes per trial, can stop and prorate 1 min. per unplaced block
Speech-Sounds Perception Test> 8 errors, >18 errors – suspect malingeringmostly taps sustained attention/concentration, auditory verbal perception, auditory-visual coordination of language processes (reading & sounding)left mostly, usually 10-12 errors with brain damage, left temporal lesion can give more errors60 items, 16 min.; requires 4th grade reading level; place recorder equidistant from both ears 1 yard away; can do sample up to 3 times
Seashore Rhythm Test< 25 correctbest in the battery for sustained attention/ concentration, nonverbal auditory perceptionright temporal30 items, 7 min.
Finger Oscillation Test< 50 on dominant handmotor speed; body and arm recruitment – pathognomic for motor control problemslateralization: 5-15% diff. between hands is expected; primary motor area (frontal lobes)the average of 5 trials within 5 taps of each other or the average of 10 trials for each hand; start timing with the first tap
Trail Making TestA > 41‘;B > 91’;B should take 2 1/2 – 3 times longer than Aset switching, visual scanning, sequencing, psychomotor speed, B is a whole brain testif B<<A and errors are mostly switching – lesion is anterior; B<<A – left lesion, A<<B – right lesionShow first 4 items on tests as well as samples; bring them back to the point before error as soon as they make one; schizophrenics usually do badly on B, have weired elaborations; look for errors confined to one side of the page
Lateral Dominance Examgrip strength – expect 10% diff. between handsr/l discrimination, r/l dominance, motor functions, periferal problemslateralization, primary motor controlgive first – easy, determines hand dominance; if one hand moves first and then the action is performed with the other one – suspect periferal impairment; for grip strength need average of two trials within 5 kg. of each other, alternate hands
Reitan-Klove Sensory Perception Exampathognomic signs; for tactile form recognition > 5’ discrepancy between handstactile, auditory, visual perception problems (subtle – imperceptions on bilat. simult. Stim.-lateralization), finger agnosia (tactile finger recognition), agraphesthesia (fingertip # writing), astereognosis (tactile form recognition)tactile – parietal, visual – occipital, auditory – temporalfor tactile form recognition always start with right hand, self-correction < 1/2’ is acceptable
Reitan-Indiana Aphasia Screenpathognomic signsnaming, spelling, reading, # & letter recognition, writing, arithmetic, enunciation, body part identification, apraxia, comprehension, following directions, r/l differentiation, constructional dyspraxiadepending on the signget two copies of greek cross for scoring, score a point for each distorted corner (examples in the folder)

III. Results Form

Trail Making Test

Part A: seconds; errors

Part B: seconds; errors

Strength of Grip:

Dominant Hand: kilograms

Non-Dominant Hand: kilograms

Reitan-Klove Tactile Form Recognition Test

Dominant Hand: seconds; errors

Non-Dominant Hand: seconds; errors

Reitan-Klove Sensory Perceptual Exam


RH LF Both H and F: RH LF

LH RF Both H and F: LH RF





Tactile Finger Recognition

R 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

L 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Finger-Tip # Writing

R 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

L 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Aphasia Screening Test:

Category Test:

Number of Errors

Tactual Performance Test

Dominant Hand: ’” Total Time: ’”

Non-Dominant Hand: ’” Memory:

Both Hands: ’” Localization:

Seashore Rhythm Test

Number Correct

Speech-sounds Perception Test

Number of Errors

Finger Oscillation Test

Dominant Hand

Non-dominant hand

Reitan-Klove Lateral Dominance Exam

Show me how you:

throw a ball

hammer a nail

cut with a knife

turn a door knob

use scissors

use an eraser

write your name

Record time used for spontaneous name-writing:

Preferred Hand seconds

Non-preferred Hand seconds

Show me how you:

kick a football

Step on a bug

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