Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery

Luria-Nebraska Battery – Interpretation

I. General Comments

– Battery created by Charles Golden based on Lurian theory and, somewhat, methodology, all measures are pathognomic signs indicators;

– Upper limit items and all items normal subjects couldn’t do were dropped, so the battery is not very good for premorbidly high-functioning people with mild injuries;

– Items chosen on the basis of discriminating normal controls from people with severebrain damage;

– Three indices were created to take into account age and education:

(a) Critical Level (CL)(p. 5 of the scoring booklet) = 68.8 + Age Value – Educ. Value

(b) Predicted Baseline (PB)= Critical Level – 10 (one standard deviation)

(c) Actual Baseline (AB)= average of the T-scores on clinical scales (C1-C11)

the T-scores of the scales are compared to the Critical Level (i.e. expected premorbid performance);

– During administration one can repeat instructions and problems for all scales but C2, C5, and C10;

– C7-C9 are very dependent on education, so they should not be included while inferring the presence of brain damage unless there is a suspicion of learning disability;

– If localization data contradicts clinical scales – disregard it.

II. Presence of Brain Damage

1) If you are using CL calculated from demographic data:

– Clinical Scales Comparisons:

(a) if C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C10, or C11 > CL there’s >90% probability of brain damage or psychosis

(b) if any 3 Clinical Scales (C1-C11) > CL there’s >95% probability of brain damage, esp. If there is a learning disability;

– Single Indicators of Brain Damage:

(a) if any of C1-S1 > 80T – very high probability of brain damage

(b) if any of C1-S1 > 70T – strong suspicion of brain damage

(c) C11 and S1 are especially sensitive to brain damage

– Range or Scatter of Clinical Scales (C1-C11) Indicators:

(a) if Range >30 – high probability of brain damage

(b) if Range >20 – strong suspicion of brain damage

2) If there is a premorbid IQ score, calculate CL from it and use that for comparisons, CL (for WAIS) = 164.8 – 1.09 x FSIQ + .2 x Age, CL (for WAIS-R) = 164.8 – 1.09 x (FSIQ + 8) + .2 x Age

(a) if premorbid IQ >120 use CL-10 for Clinical Scales comparisons and 70T for single indicators comparisons

(b) if premorbid IQ 81-119 use CL for Clinical Scales comparisons and 80T for single indicators comparisons

(c) if premorbid IQ <80 use CL+10 for Clinical Scales comparisons and 90T for single indicators comparisons

– One can also compare WAIS IQ with Luria-Nebraska IQ, where

LN VIQ = 158.9 – .47(C11) – .38(C8) – .20(C9),

LN PIQ = 156.9 – .35(C11) – .48(C4) – .26 (C10),

and LN FSIQ = 150.2 – .92(C11):

(a) WAIS IQ or WAIS-R IQ + 8 = LN IQ – low probability of brain damage

(b) WAIS IQ or WAIS-R IQ + 8 > LN IQ – high probability of brain damage

(c) WAIS IQ or WAIS-R IQ + 8 < LN IQ – low probability of brain damage, cultural or educational issues lowered WAIS IQ

3) If there is no demographic data, one can calculate the AB and compare Clinical Scale scores to it. As before, the results are more certain if only C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C10, and C11 are used:

– 1 Clinical Scale >10T > AB – equivocal results, there might be a subtle injury, a disease like Multiple Sclerosis, or nothing;

– 2 Clinical Scales >10T > AB – 70% probability of brain damage;

– 3 Clinical Scales >10T > AB – 90% probability of brain damage.

III. Lateralization of the Lesion

1) Clinical Scales:

– C2 & C4 are right hemisphere indicators, C5 & C6 – left hemisphere indicators, if there is more than 10T difference between them – lateralized lesion is likely.

2) Lateralization Scales. S2 contains sensory and motor items from the right side (left hemisphere) and S3 – from the left side (right hemisphere), since left hemisphere is dominant for motor functions, S3 is also elevated by left hemisphere damage. Consequently, use the following rules:

– S2>CL – left hemisphere definitely involved;

– S3>CL, S2<CL & <60T – likely to be right hemisphere only;

– S2&S3>CL:

(a) if S2 is 10T>S3 – probably only left hemisphere

(b) if S2 is 9-1T>S3 – probably both hemispheres

(c) if S2=S3 – probably diffuse bilateral damage

3) Localization Scales – if two highest scales are from the same hemisphere (first 4 vs. last 4), lateralization hypothesis is appropriate.

IV. Localization of the Lesion

1) Clinical Scales (relative to each other):

– C1 – anterior (frontal);

– C2 – posterior (temporal, mostly right);

– C3 – posterior (parietal, tactile);

– C4 – posterior (visual, mostly right);

– C5 – posterior (receptive speech, mostly left);

– C6 – anterior (expressive speech, mostly left);

– if >4 scales are >CL than thirtiary areas are more likely to be affected by brain damage.

2) Localization Scales:

– if one scale is 10T> all others it’s a hit, unless all scales are elevated;

– if two or more highest scores are in the ajacent areas – it’s also a hit.

V. Course of the Lesion & Prognosis

1) S1 is most sensitive to the process, if S1>CL or >10T above AB the injury is likely to be acute, progressive, or severe (if its 20T>CL – very acute, severe, or rapidly progressing):

– at 6 months past injury, if S1>CL – poor prognosis, if S1<CL – good prognosis;

– if S1 if near AB – they are compensating, good prognosis;

– if S1>CL, but the lowest score – they have recovered as much as they could, don’t expect drastic improvements;

– if S1<CL – stabilized, will not recover further;

– if S1<CL, but is the highest score – posiible subtle brain injury or a slowly progressing condition, like MS.

2) S4&S5:

– if S4>CL & S5<CL – good prognosis;

– if S4>S5>CL – good prognosis;

– if S4<CL & S5>Cl – bad prognosis.

VI. Emotional Issues Differentiation

1) S4 – Profile Elevation – is sensitive to brain impairment in uncompensated state (depressed, anxious, psychotic, no cog. rehab.)

2) S5 – Impairment Scale – is supposed to be a pure indicator of brain damage, without emotional overlay.

VII. Schizophrenia vs. “Organic” Brain Damage

1) Schizophrenics with no other brain damage are reliably elevated on C2, C5, C10, &C11; so, one can subtract 7 points from these scales in order to evaluate brain damage additional to schizophrenia.

2) A strategy for diagnosing presence of additional brain damage in schizophrenics (normative sample <45 years, 9-15 years of education):

– >4 Clinical Scales >70T => brain damage;

– give 1 point for each elevation > 70T on C2, C5, C10, &C11; give 2 points for each elevation >60 for remaining clinical scales; if the sum is >4 => brain damage;

– S1>65 => brain damage.

VIII. Individual Scales & Items

ScalesItemsFunctions Measured / Localization / Notes
C1 – MotorAnterior (frontal), movement & mental flexibility
1-4Simple motor, posterior frontal lobe
5-8Kinesthetic feedback
9-20Spatial organization required
21-27Complex motor (kinetic melodies)
25-27Apraxia screen
28-35Oral movements
30-31Kinesthetic feedback
32-33Complex motor (kinetic melodies)
34-35Following of verbal directions
36-47Constructional items (score accuracy & time)
48-51Speech regulation of motor acts (using internal speech to guide behavior)
C2 – RhythmRight temporal, sensitive to attention, cannot repeat items
52-54Compare tones
55-57Reproduce tones
58-61Evaluation of acoustic signals
62Perception/reproduction of rhythmic pattern
63Reproduction of series to verbal command (mental flexibility involved)
C3 – TactileParietal
64-73Levels of cutaneous sensation – primary & secondary areas
74-79Levels of cutaneous sensation – angular gyrus
80-81Muscle/joint sensation, affected by callossal transfer of info
82-85Stereognosis (tactile agnosia)
C4 – VisualMostly right posterior
86-87Real & pictured object identification
88Item identification on the scale from easy to difficult (telephone & face go for the gestalt perception – right posterior)
90-91Popplereuter items – simultaneagnosia or visual perseveration
92-93Raven’s progressive matrices – IQ estimate (accuracy & time)
94-96Spatial orientation / directions
97-983-D analysis of pictures
99Spatial rotation without speech (sensitive even to minor impairmerment)
C5 – Receptive SpeechLeft posterior (cannot repeat items, stay behind to avoid lip reading)
100-107Comprehension of phonemes
108-116Comprehension of simple words/phrases
117-132Increasingly complex comprehension items
121-131Understanding of grammatical & logical relations, some people solve it as a visual-spatial task
C6 – Expressive SpeechLeft anterior
133-142Repetition of sounds/words spoken by examiner
143-153Same to written stimuli
154-156Increasingly complex sentence repetition
157Confrontational object naming (photograph)
158Confrontational body part naming (problems with body schema – parietal)
159Responsive naming
160-163Automatic (seriatim) speech
164-169Spontaneous speech production to picture/story/topic
170-174Complex systems of grammatical expression (frontal if errors are only on these items)
C7 – WritingEducation-dependent, not good neurologically
175-176Phonetic analysis of words and copying of increasing complexity
177Copying: abstract/concrete, verbal/phonemic knowledge
178-185Copying of increasing complexity
186-187Narrative writing, differentiate motor/spelling problems
C8 – ReadingEducation-dependent, not good neurologically
188-189Generate sounds from letters
190-191Name simple letters
192Read sounds
193Read simple words
194Read meaningful letter combos (error if read as words)
195Read more complex words
196Read more complex words, irregular spelling
197Read simple sentences
198Read simple sentences with incorrect (meaning) elements
199-200Read extended passages (includes memory component)
C9 – ArithmeticEducation-dependent, not good neurologically, tests understanding of basic concepts rather than skills
201-202Write arabic & roman numbers
203Write numbers alternating positions
204-205Write more complex #s (perseveration, like 9000845, frontal)
206-208Read #s
209Read #s top to bottom (stressing the system)
210-211Compare #s – comprehension of # meaning
212-214Simple arithmetic problems – comprehension of arithmetic operations
215-217More complex problems that cannot be done from memory
218-220More difficult arithmetic algorythms
221-222Subtraction of serial 7s & 13s from 100
C10 – MemoryMostly verbal memory, no delayed memory (cannot repeat items)
223-225List learning, self-monitoring
226Visual memory with interference
227-230Sensory trace recall (visual/spatial/auditory/tactile/verbal) = span of apprehension
231-232Verbal memory with interference (very sensitive items)
233Visual memory with externally supplied interference
234Anecdotal (logical) memory
235Associative memory (verbal & visual)
C11 – Intellectual ProcessesMini-IQ test
236-237Understand thematic pictures
238-241Picture arrangement tasks
242-243Comprehension of comedy/absurd (very abstract task)
244Interpretation of story
245Interpretation of expressions
246-247Free & multiple choice interpretation of proverbs
248Concept formation
249-250Similarities & differences
251-254Logical relations, categorization
258-269Arithmetic items in story format
S1 – AcuityElevation indicates that damage is acute, severe, or rapidly progressing
S2 – Left Hemisphere Indicator
S3 – Right Hemisphere
S4 – Profile ElevationSensitive to brain impairment in uncompensated state
S5 – Impairment ScaleSupposed to be a pure indicator of brain damage, without emotional overlay.
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