Rorschach – Exner’s System

controls# of responsesR22.64thought disorderdefensive
Lambda – response styleLF/R-F0.580.26>.85,simplifies- emotions<.5, emotions always involved, – objectivity
Erlebnistypus – coping style -resourcesEBM : 0.5FC+1CF+1.5C4-6:4-6difference>2-certain coping style,<2-immat.left>introversive-self right>extratensive-interact. with world
Experience actual – total coping resourcesEAM+0.5FC+1CF+1.5C8.822.18well adaptedprone to adapt. probl.
EB pervasiveEBPerlarger # of EB/smaller>2.5 – rigid coping styleif difference <2 – not calculated
Experience base – stressorsebFM+m : C’+T+Y+V5-7:3-5m-state-dep., FM-permanent Cognitive stressorsC’-inability to express emot., V-self-criticism, Y-hopeless/helpless, T-interpers. loss (>1)
Experienced stimulation – total current stressorsesFM+m+C’+T+Y+V8.213high stressorslow stressors
D – current adaptationDEA-es01>+1 – well adj.<-1 – overwhelmed
Adjusted es – usual baseline stressorsAdj eses – all but 1 m – all but 1 Y73high intrapsychic stressorslow intrapsych. stressors
Adjusted D – usual adaptationAdj DEA-Adj es, result converted – see table01good baseline adjustmentalways overwhelmed
ideationActive:Passive ratioa:pMa+Fma+ma : Mp+FMp+mp2 : 1>2:1 – impulsive, action-orienteda+1<p – rigidly passive
M Active:Passive ratioMa:MpMa : Mp1-2 : 1Ma>Mp+1 – relies only on selfMa+1<Mp – “Snow White syndrome”
Intellectualization index2AB+(Art+Ay)2AB+(Art+Ay)1.55>6 – overuses intellectualization
Distortions in interpersonal relationsM-M-0perc. of people distorted, schiz.?
Ideational slippageSum6DV+INC+DR+FAB+ALOG+CON1.59thought slippage, judgment probl.
Bizarre thoughtLvl-2# of level 2 scores0bizarre thought
Confused reasoningWsum6formula with weights32thought disorder?
Thoght control impairmentM noneM with no FQ0Thoght control impairment
affectForm-color ratio – modulation of affectFC:CF+CFC:CF+C1-2 : 1>2:1-overcontrol, <1:1-impulsive
Emotional labilityPure CC0uncontrolled emot. expression
Constriction ratioSumC’:WsumCC’+0.5FC+1CF+1.5Cunexpressed to expressed affect
Affective ratioAfrR to color cards (8,9,10)/R to other (black-white) cards.69>.9 – very caught up by emotional experiences<.4 – avoids affective stimuli
Anger, negativitySS1.471.21>3 – very angry
Complexity ratioBlends:RBlends : R5-7 : 18-22Blends> 25% – overinvolved<20% – not engaged, low cogn. energy
Denial of painCPCP0rose-colored glasses
mediationConventional form – translating stimuli with affect involvedX+%FQ+ + FQo/R80%.08very conventionalunconventional
Conventional pure form – translating stimuli without affect involvedF+%F+ + Fo/F70%.17very conventionalunconventional
Distorted formX-%FQ-/R5%poor reality testing, distortion
White space distortionS-%S-/FQ-8-10%distorts reality when angry
Unusual formXu%FQu/R15-16%idiosyncracyconventional
processingEconomy index – motivation in processingW:D:DdW : D : Dd8.5 : 13 : 1.23process globally:easy way out:obsess./splitting
Aspirational ratioW:MW(goals) : M(resources)2:1>3.5:1 – goals too high<2:1 – underacheiver
Processing efficiencyZdZf -Zest (table).723>+3 – overincorp.<-3 – underincorporat.
Amount of data assimilationZf# of Z responses11.81 – 50%2.59take in lots of data,careful proc.<50% – nnegligent processing
Complex processingDQ+DQ+72sophisticatedsimplistic
Simplistic processingDQvDQv1.3resistance or processing diffic.sophisticated
interpersonalCooperative movementCOPCOP21.5other-directeddoes not see people as cooperating
Aggressive movementAGAG11aggressive self/othersAG should be < COP – healthy interpers. rel.
Unmet oral dependency needsFoodFood.23Interpersonal neeediness
Isolation indexIsolate/RBt+2Cl+Ge+Ls+2Na/R.20>.24 – isolated (doesn’t mean lonely)lots of people around
Interpersonal interestH:(H)+Hd+(Hd)H:(H)+Hd+(Hd)3 : 2if left> -interest in people based on whole/real obj.if left< – based on part-objects, fantasy
Real/imaginary experience of others(H)+(Hd):(A)+(Ad)(H)+(Hd):(A)+(Ad)2 : 1-0concepts of others based on imagination
Whole vs. part objectsH+A:Hd+AdH+A+(H)+(A) : (Hd)+(Ad)+Hd+Ad12 : 3(4 : 1)Guarded/frustrated view of people, splitting
self-percept.Egocentricity index3r+(2)/R3r+(2)/R.39.07>.44-self more important, narcissistic<.33 – others more important, <.28 – low self-esteem
Positive introspectionFDFD1.87introspectivepsychologically naive
SomatizationAn+XyAn+Xy.45preoccupation with body probl.
Pessimism-vulnerabilityMORMOR.70.82>3-sense of self as damaged
S-constellation (suicide potential)81.FV+VF+V+FD>2 5. Zd>+3.5 or Zd<-3.5 9. S>32. Color-Shading blends>0 6. es>EA 10. P<3 or P>83.3r+(2)/R<.31 or >.44 7. CF+C>FC 11. Pure H<24. MOR>3 8. X+%<.70 12. R<17
SCZI (schizophrenia index)41. X+%<.61 and S-%<.41 or X+%<.5 4. Lev-2>1 and FAB2>02. X-%>.29 5. Sum6>6 or WSum6>173. FQ-=FQu or FQ->FQo+FQ+ 6. M->1 or X-%>.4
DEPI (depression index)51. FV+VF+V>0 or FD>2 5. SumShading>FM+m or C’>22. Color-Shading blends>0 or S>2 6. MOR>2 or 2AB+Art+Ay>33. 3r+(2)/R>.44 and Fr+rF=0 or 3r+(2)/R<.33 7. COP<2 or Bt+2Cl+Ge+Ls+2Na/R>.244. Afr<.46 or Blends<4
CDI (coping deficit index)41. EA<6 or AdjD<0 4. p>a+1 or Pure H<22. COP<2 and AG<2 5. T>1 or Isolate/R>.24 or Food>03. WeightedSumC<2.5 or Afr<.46
HVI (hypervigilance index)1st + 4 others1. FT+TF+T=0 4. S>3 7. H+A : Hd+Ad < 4 : 12. Zf>12 5. H+(H)+Hd+(Hd)>6 8. Cg>33. Zd>+3.5 6. (H)+(A)+(Hd)+(Ad)>3
OBS (obsessive style index)1) All true2) 2 or more of 1-4 are true and FQ+>33) 3 or more of 1-5 are true and X+%>.894) FQ+>3 and X+%>.891. Dd>3 5. FQ+>12. Zf>123. Zd>+34. P>7
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