Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

Basic subtest interpretation in WAIS-R

Full Scale IQbroad assessment of gwell-rounded intellectual skills, good knowledge base, ability to think fast under pressure, high gmental retardation, poor education, poor concentration, neurological problems
Verbal IQVerbal comprehension, ability to use verbal skills in problem solvinggood knowledge base, abstract thinking, social judgment, concentrationpoor knowledge base, abstract thinking, social judgment, concentration
Informationknowledge base, premorbid functioning in dementiagood knowledge basepoor education, not mainstream American, psychosis, brain damage
Digit Spanshort-term auditory memory, attention span, concentrationgood forward – good attention span, good backward – concentrationbrain damage, mental retardation, fatigue, anxiety
Vocabularyg, vocabulary, education, verbal abstract conceptualization, premorbid functioning, resistant to anxietygood g, vocabulary, education, verbal abstract conceptualizationpoor education, not mainstream American, psychosis, early brain damage
Arithmeticarithmetic knowledge, problem-solving ability, concentrationgood arithmetic knowledge, problem-solving ability, concentrationpoor schooling, concentration, hearing, learning disability, anxiety, depression (timing)
Comprehensionpractical knowledge, social norms exposuregood practical knowledge, social norms exposure and understandinglong-term disfunction, psychosis, poor socialization, not mainstream American
Similaritiesabstract reasoning, categorization, verbal conceptualization, logicgood abstract reasoning, categorization, verbal conceptualization, logiclong-term dysfunction, brain damage – too concrete, emotional disorders, psychosis – overgeneralized
Performance IQefficiency and integrity of perceptual organization, visuo-spatial skillsgood visuo-spatial skills, learning, and speed, ability to think fast under pressure, attention to detailpoor visuo-spatial skills, learning, and speed, ability to think fast under pressure, attention to detail
Picture Completionperceptual discrimination, visual memory, alertness to detail, concentrationgood perceptual discrimination, visual memory, alertness to detail, concentrationpsychosis, poor concentration, poor perceptual-conceptual integration, not mainstream American
Picture Arrangementsocial skills, planning ability, alertness to detailgood social skills, planning ability, alertness to detailleft hemisphere or frontal damage, psychosis, anxiety
Block Designnon-verbal reasoning, least culture-boundgood visuo-spatial skills, non-verbal reasoningbrain damage, can differentiate from schizophrenia
Object Assemblyvisuo-motor coordination, part-whole relationship analysisgood visuo-motor coordination, part-whole relationship analysis, persistencepsychosis, depression, first two – left hemisphere damage (line cues), other two – right hemisphere
Digit Symbolvisuo-motor speedvisual memory, coordination, non-verbal learning, persistenceanxiety, poor concentration, psychomotor retardation, brain damage
110-119high average90.8
80-89low average25.2
<70mentally deficient2.3

Index scores added in WAIS-III

1. Verbal Comprehension (abstract verbal reasoning and knowledge base)

2. Perceptual Organization (abstract non-verbal reasoning, constructional skills, attention to detail)

3. Working Memory (ability to mentally manipulate information without visual aids, concentration, immediate memory)

4. Processing Speed (speed of information processing, attention, concentration)

New subtests added in WAIS-III and IV

NB: Verbal and performance IQ scores as well as the Picture Aarangement and Object Assembly subtests have been removed by WAIS-IV, Digit Symbol subtest has been renamed “Coding”, Digit Span subtest has had a mental control section added.

1. Matrix Reasoning (non-verbal reasoning, pattern recognition, novel problem solving)

2. Visual Puzzles (nonverbal reasoning, analysis and synthesis of abstract visual stimuli)

3. Letter-Number Sequencing (attention, concentration, immediate memory)

4. Figure Weights (quantitative and analogical reasoning)

WAIS-IV Matrix Reasoning subtest pattern analysis

SA. Same + 1 variable

SB. 1 variable

1. Same

2. Same + 1 variable

3. Same + 1 variable

4. Same + 1 variable

5. 1 variable

6. Pattern completion

7. Pattern completion + 2 variables

8. Pattern completion + 2 variables

9. Pattern completion + 2 variables

10. 2 variables

11. 2 variables

12. 2 variables

13. Rotation

14. 2 variables

15. Rotation + 1 variable

16. 2 variables

17. 2 variables

18. Rotation + 1 variable

19. Rotation + irrelevancy

20. 2 variables + irrelevancy

21. Subtraction

22. Addition + Rotation+ irrelevancy

23. 2 variables + 2 irrelevancy

24. 1 variable + 2 differences

25. Figure-ground switch + subtraction

26. No idea. Submissions welcome.

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