Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children-IV

Anastasya Glezerman, Ph.D.

Compiled from the WISC-IV technical manual.


1. Factor structure.

ScoreCompositionIs supposed to measure
Full Scale IQ (FSIQ)Subtests listed belowAn estimate of overall intellectual ability
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)SimilaritiesVocabularyComprehensionInformationWord ReasoningVerbal abilities utilizing reasoning, comprehension, and conceptualization
Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)Block DesignPicture ConceptsMatrix ReasoningPicture CompletionPerceptual reasoning and organization
Working Memory Index (WMI)Digit SpanLetter-Number SequencingArithmeticAttention, concentration, working memory
Processing Speed Index (PSI)CodingSymbol SearchCancellationSpeed of mental and graphomotor processing

Supplemental subtests are italicized.

2. Subtests.

SubtestIs supposed to measureAlso measures
SimilaritiesVerbal reasoning and concept formationAuditory comprehension, memory, distinction between essential and nonessential features (appropriate level of abstraction), verbal expression
VocabularyWord knowledge and verbal concept formationFund of knowledge, learning ability, long-term memory, degree of language development, auditory perception and comprehension, verbal conceptualization, abstract thinking, verbal expression
ComprehensionVerbal reasoning and conceptualization, verbal comprehension and expression, ability to evaluate and use past experience, practical judgmentKnowledge of social conventions, social judgment and maturity, common sense
InformationAbility to acquire, retain and retrieve general factual knowledgeCrystallized intelligence, long-term memory, ability to retain and retrieve information from school and environment, auditory perception and comprehension, verbal expressive ability
Word ReasoningVerbal comprehension, analogical and general reasoning ability, verbal abstraction, domain knowledge, ability to integrate and synthesize different types of information, ability to generate alternative concepts?(Nothing in the manual, but think about it)
Block DesignAbility to analyze and synthesize abstract visual stimuliNonverbal concept formation, visual perception, organization, simultaneous processing, visual-motor coordination, learning, figure-ground discrimination, visual observation, matching, visual-motor integration
Picture ConceptsAbstract categorical reasoning abilityHuh?
Matrix ReasoningFluid intelligence (good FSIQ estimate, no language or motor demands); tasks include : continuous and discrete pattern completion, classification, analogical reasoning, and serial reasoning?
Picture CompletionVisual perception and organization, concentration, recognition of essential details?
Digit SpanAuditory short-term memory, sequencing, attention, concentration?
Letter-Number SequencingSequencing, mental manipulation, attention, short-term auditory memory, visuospatial imaging, processing speed?
ArithmeticMental manipulation, concentration, attention, short- and long-term memory, numerical reasoning ability, mental alertnessSequencing, fluid reasoning, logical reasoning
CodingProcessing speedShort-term memory, learning ability, visual perception, visual-motor coordination, visual scanning ability, cognitive flexibility, attention, motivation, visual and sequential processing
Symbol SearchProcessing speedShort-term visual memory, visual-motor coordination, cognitive flexibility, visual discrimination, concentration, auditory comprehension, perceptual organization, planning and learning ability
CancellationProcessing speed, visual selective attention, vigilance, visual neglect?

3. Process Scores (make sure to check base rates during comparisons).

ScoreSupposed to measure
Block Design No Time BonusExcludes the speed effects from Block Design
Digit Span ForwardRote learning, memory, attention, encoding, auditory processing
Digit Span BackwardWorking memory, transformation of information, mental manipulation, visuospatial imaging
Longest Digit Span ForwardControls for intrasubtest scatter on DSF
Longest Digit Span BackwardControls for intrasubtest scatter on DSB
Cancellation RandomRandom arrangement scanning efficiency
Cancellation StructuredStructured arrangement scanning efficiency

4. Manual Definitions of What is Measured

Fluid Reasoning: “manipulating abstractions, rules, generalizations, and logical relationships”.

Working Memory: “ability to actively maintain information in conscious awareness, perform some operation or manipulation with it, and produce a result”. Research indicates that WM is an essential component of fluid reasoning and other executive processes and is closely related to achievement and learning.

Processing Speed: “ speed of information processing”. Research indicates that it is related to mental capacity, reading performance, development, economical reasoning, and efficient use of working memory for fluid tasks. It is sensitive to epilepsy, ADHD and TBI. Increase is correlated with age-related increase in neuronal connectivity and myelinization.

5. Special Group Studies (data on pp.75-98, inclusion criteria on pp. 146-149)

GroupsBasic Stats (almost all groups are mostly white)
GiftedN=63, Mean age = 11, Age SD = 2.3
Mild Mental RetardationN=63, Mean age = 11.9, Age SD = 3.0
Moderate Mental RetardationN=57, Mean age = 12.2, Age SD = 2.8
Reading DisorderN=63, Mean age = 10.7, Age SD = 1.5
Reading and Written Expression DisorderN=35, Mean age = 10.9, Age SD = 1.6
Mathematics DisorderN=33, Mean age = 10.7, Age SD = 1.6
Reading and Written Expression and Mathematics DisorderN=42, Mean age = 10.5, Age SD = 1.6
Learning Disorder and ADHDN=45, Mean age = 11, Age SD = 1.4
ADHDN=89, Mean age = 10.7, Age SD = 1.4
Expressive Language DisorderN=27, Mean age = 9.8, Age SD = 2.8
Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language DisorderN=41, Mean age = 10.6, Age SD = 2.9
Open Head InjuryN=16, Mean age = 12.6, Age SD = 2.7
Closed Head InjuryN=27, Mean age = 13.4, Age SD = 3.1
Autistic DisorderN=19, Mean age = 11.7, Age SD = 2.6
Asperger’s DisorderN=27, Mean age = 12.5, Age SD = 1.9
Motor ImpairmentN=21, Mean age = 10.1, Age SD = 2.4
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