I look with my mind and I see symbols: words, trees, clouds…
I look with my eyes and I see a chaos of lines and dots, shades and shadows…
At no point do I see the tree.
New Year – the top of the hill, a point of change,
time to look forward and back,
time of hope and regret,
time to remember and forget.
There is nothing silly or capricious about nonsense.
Nonsense is a way of expanding our language.
To create a coherent description of reality, we have to use a precise language
which, by definition, limits our description by its grammar and vocabulary.
But reality bleeds through the edges, frightening and fascinating,
creating chaos and, at the same time, the opportunity to expand our language
and – therefore – our world.
As each of us is unique, each has a potential world unique to oneself.
A world where one is genuine, and passionate, and in love…
not quite with oneself, but rather with one’s potential,
with one’s capacity to inhabit it fully and honestly, without fears and excuses.
Some of us are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this world and even share its reflection.
Most of us yearn for it and wither and die inside for the lack of it…
The magic of Christmas…
Warmth in time of cold,
lights in time of darkness,
food in time of hunger,
drink in time of responsibility…
The most basic,
the most primitive,
the most human…