Tag: borders

  • Bare interface

    As the tide goes out
    and the interface between the land and the sea is laid bare,
    the soggy mud reflects the majestic sky
    so clearly,
    so deeply,
    so poignantly…
    Tears well up in my eyes.
    I feel at one with the mud,
    but not with the sky.

  • Border

    Colours are brighter on the edge and smells are sharper.
    Borders are important.
    There is no summer at the equator or winter at the North Pole –
    a Winter Wonderland is impossible there, for there would be no wonder in it.
    Love is equally impossible in hell and in paradise, for without choice there is only acquiescence.
    I know of nothing more poignant than fall leaves in the snow,
    they make you wonder and draw your breath in sudden joy.
    Life is what happens on the border with death.

  • Life

    Life passes through the pool of light:
    a happy couple, oblivious to the world, seeing only their dreams reflected in each other…
    a lonely thinker, looking in astonishment at how small the light is compared to the vastness of its absence…
    and they are gone…

  • The curtain

    The wings of night cover the sky,
    subtly changing the quality of light,
    imperceptibly turning it into a highlight for darkness…
    The time of transformation,
    the time of uncertainty,
    the time of magic.
    The curtain of the day –
    was the play worth it?

  • Autumn Stained Glass

    The time of unrest.
    The space between seasons.
    The riotous clamour of colour and the whisper of falling leaves, rustling…
    The melody is created in the space between scream and whisper,
    as between death and rebirth arises the music of life.

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