First you figure out who you are not;
then you figure out who you are;
finally, you figure out you are not who.
What kills us is certainty,
unwavering conviction that we are doing the right thing.
The ends have to be unquestioned to justify the means,
questions leave room for empathy and doubt.
Socrates – the man who said that the only certainty is the lack thereof –
died because of his stubborn conviction that he knew the right thing to do.
Because eventually even the bravest of us give in
to the comfort of certain death
after a lifetime in the quicksand of uncertain truths.
The only solution is love
because it makes truth less important than life.
If Socrates had children,
he would have lived longer
and died without leaving a legend.
A lot of people making the same decision they always did – or no decision at all.
Making new decisions is difficult.
It carries a risk of making a mistake and offers no certain reward.
It’s fundamentally unsafe.
Better not.
Quite a few people working hard for no gratitude, no acclaim and not much money.
For the sake of decency.
A lot of people working hard for no reason – only money and thinking they are better than the rest.
They always fail.
There’s always someone richer.
A few people yelling as loud as they can – their grievances, their ambitions, their theirness –
Anything to be seen, for they only feel real when reflected in the eyes of others.
The eyes turn away and they have to raise the volume.
Crowds marching, covered in the mantle of righteousness, in the warmth of the herd.
Dozens of people thinking, writing, quoting.
Trying hard for new decisions – and never mind the cost.
A lone man standing in front of a tank in Tianamen square.
The first person to climb over the Berlin wall.
A woman dumping green ink into the voting box in Moscow.
This is what democracy looks like:
Each of us alone with his choice.
Nothing makes us worse than pathetic attempts to prove that we are intrinsically better than someone else.
Tell me a kind fairy tale:
I will listen with open-mouthed absorbtion;
I will look at you with shining eyes;
I will laugh and cry in all the right places –
I will be the best listener in the world.
Tell me a kind fairy tale, please!
Russian, American, English, Egyptian – we are all suckers.
Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist – we are all suckers.
Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Democrat – we are all suckers.
We’ve sold our humanity for the right to belong.