Tag: culture

  • Evolution of Religions

    If you are afraid to die, they provide you with an immortal soul, 
    if you are afraid to live, they provide you with an authority to tell you what to do…
    religions evolved to cater to every available kind of fear.

  • De-evolution

    People who tell you to go back to your roots are merely lonely –
    they have already devolved to the pre-sapient stage and want you to join them back there.

  • Freedom

    Freedom is the ability to make decisions and follow through with them. 
    Without thinking, you are controlled by knee-jerk reactions
    and decisions are made for you 
    by the specialists in knee-jerk reaction control:
    politicians and advertising executives.

  • Point of View

    What is it that makes us human?
    Is it soul,
    the use of handkerchiefs
    or two types of forks?
    I think it is language, for it gives us empathy;
    the ability to see through other’s eyes
    and hence the ability to see something truly new.
    Look through the eyes of an artist – it will give you the joy of creating a world.
    Look through the eyes of history – it will give you the desire for changing the world.
    Look through the eyes of a child – it will give you a reason for changing yourself. 

  • Race

    Experience with people often allows us to predict their behaviour.
    Intelligence sometimes allows us to override our resultant expectations.

  • Living space

    We live in the spaces defined by our cultures.
    Some of us expand inherited houses to palaces,
    some – narrow them to defensive forts,
    which then have to be lit by funeral pyres.

  • Ideas

    Ideas permeate cultures like rings on the water;
    the stone someone threw is gone, submerged,
    but the ripples go on and on,
    slowing down where the water is thick and marshy,
    amplified by resonance and creating new patterns where they meet waves from other stones…
    There is almost nothing more powerful;
    while there is water the ripples will go on,
    where there is water – the ripples will get there,
    sooner or later…

  • Level of abstraction

    Nothing generates as much philosophical drivel as incorrectly chosen level of abstraction.
    “What are the origins of evil?” –
    ask a stupid question – get a religion.


    Don’t make unnecessary choices,
    it really doesn’t matter what colour shoes you are wearing today!

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