Tag: culture

  • Christmas Tree

    The magic of Christmas…
    Warmth in time of cold,
    lights in time of darkness,
    food in time of hunger,
    drink in time of responsibility…
    The most basic,
    the most primitive,
    the most human…

  • History

    History – a source of baseless fears and equally baseless pride,
    a pile of junk forming our skeletons.
    It weighs us down
    and yet no flight is possible without a firm bone structure…
    Bon voyage!

  • Poetry

    For me poetry is about discovering connections.
    One simile connects A to B
    and suddenly there is a whole new route for your mind to travel.
    The longer the road – the more you see on the way.

  • Surrealism

    For me, the value of surrealism is not in showing something unusual,
    it is in making us look at ordinary things anew…
    Seeing what somebody else made up is nothing compared to co-creating a world!

  • Imagination

    By its nature, fiction is limited to what its’ author already knows.
    Only realism and exploration have a chance
    of actually expanding the universe of our cultural imagination.

  • In memoriam

    The Museum of Natural History.
    A monument to Darwin and a memorial to intellectual courage.
    To those few who really did not want to make a fuss,
    but also could not live with themselves
    without stating: “E pur si muove!”
    To those, to whom we owe our freedom.
    Thank you.

  • Age

    With the preponderance of advertising and its focus on youth and sex
    (easy selling points, to be sure),
    age is becoming more and more of a negative in our cultures.
    It is amusing to think that, as we buy into the idea,
    we set ourselves up for logically inevitable failure…
    But you’ve got to laugh, right?

  • Contemporary Fairy Tales

    I dislike contemporary fairy tales…
    Not the folk tales they are often based on –
    they were the tools for understanding the world,
    and true to it.
    They were about love and indifference,
    loyalty and betrayal,
    blood, sweat, tears, joy and laughter.
    They were about making decisions and growing up…
    Contemporary fairy tales are almost exactly the opposite:
    fairy dust glitters,
    wishes come true,
    everyone remains infantile and lives happily ever after…
    The only things they teach are entitlement and disappointment.
    Have you ever met a bride whose wedding
    lived up to her expectations?

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