Drops of colour like drops of blood,
reminder of passion and death,
a heady concoction full of desperate joy.
Drops of colour like drops of blood,
reminder of passion and death,
a heady concoction full of desperate joy.
Micro-world – so different,
where minute forces create different structures,
where water is spherical and flower petals rough and ribbed…
so strange and yet so oddly familiar, almost by touch.
I find bare winter trees endlessly fascinating.
The branches lead my gaze with hypnotic power, and it follows on and on…
I think it is a visual equivalent of learning and gives the same joy of
ordered enough for the mind to create patterns,
with enough chaotic variation to keep it interesting,
to forever suggest the possibility of better, more intricate organization…
Cherry blossoms – a staple of poetry,
they appear so briefly in such profusion…
What is the fascination?
Is it our slightly guilty,
of the beauty of evanescence?