Tag: love

  • Anniversary Song

    Anniversary song

    My love for you is so strong –
    it’s fathoms deep and furlongs long –
    it spans the continents and disregards all borders.

    My love for you is thick as soup,
    it never dries, though it may droop,
    it stays past closing and outlasts last orders.

    My love is this and also that,
    it wakes with me and comes to bed,
    it feeds on laughter, tears, cheese and beers.

    It lasted me through thick and thin,
    it’s in my heart and in my spleen,
    and here’s “Cheers!” to a lot more years!

  • My Love

    “Oh my Luve is like a red, red rose” – Robert Burns

    My love is like a red, red rose
    the flowers and thorns combined.
    The vivid beauty intertwined
    with sharpness. There is no repose.
    The colour of the velvet petals
    Evokes blood, subsists in blood.
    Ambivalence that never settles
    existed there from the bud.
    My love is like a red, red rose
    it’s in my blood least petals dry.
    In me, with me, as me it grows
    and if it dies the I shall die.

  • Empty space

    Your voice lulls me to sleep.
    Your snoring fails to keep me up.
    Your moving in bed does not wake me.
    But when you get up in the night
    your absence screams in my ears,
    it prods and pokes at me
    and I wake up with a start,
    finding a loud, obnoxious empty space
    interfering with my sleep.
    I don’t lose sleep over you –
    I loose sleep over the empty space
    where you should be.

  • The end

    Emotions fade, becoming less compelling,
    the letters fade upon a dusty shelf
    and, taking out cards for fortune-telling,
    you play a game of hope with yourself.

  • Lost

    It is not in lost and found.
    Maybe on the underground
    I forgot it on the train?
    Maybe cold autumnal rain
    washed it off – down the drain?
    Maybe, in the daily grind,
    it slipped out of my mind
    and, with finished magazine,
    I just dropped it in the bin?
    Or, in fact, it wasn’t binned –
    maybe restless urban wind
    blew it off with fallen leaves
    to be caught among the eaves
    in the gutters up above?
    Where is my epic love?

  • When empty cup runneth over

    You imbibe of your desperate loves to get over the voids,
    forming rickety bridges and narrow paths in the clover.
    He is happy and chirpy, who covers, sidesteps and avoids,
    but the longer you do it the heavier is the hangover.

  • My Valentine

    We’ve been together so long –
    I don’t know how to be without you.

    Your anniversary and birthday presents
    are always crooked.
    I am rubbish at wrapping them
    because they are the only presents I ever wrap.
    But I can learn.

    Even with a bit of luck
    I wouldn’t be able to laugh all the way to the bank
    because I have no idea
    where it is.
    But I can learn.

    I wouldn’t know the first thing about
    fixing a boiler
    or getting a loan
    or booking a hotel
    But I can learn.

    I feel uncomfortable sleeping on my own
    and wake up often.
    But I can learn.

    What I am terrified of is that one day
    I will have to learn to breathe without you
    and I will suffocate in the void.

  • Let’s Talk About Love…

    And once again – let’s talk about love.
    The spring had sent our hearts and lips aflutter.
    Wild pigeons coo, cats scream, girls preen, men mutter,
    while cupids in the clouds up above
    adjust their nappies and pick up their bows,
    with whoops of joy they go hell-for-leather.
    It’s their season as all heaven knows:
    they hunt in summer, they are dressed for weather.
    The cupids bet who’ll bag the biggest number,
    intent on their prey they push and shove.
    They rush to live before their winter slumber.
    But I digress… Let’s talk about love.

    Let’s talk about sharing what’s dear
    and feeling awkward when the other’s gone.
    The dread of loss replacing loss of fear
    and sense of joy replacing fleeting fun.
    About warmth amidst the deepest cold,
    being a distance runner, not a sprinter,
    your stamina replaces speed of old.
    You know joy in spring and love – in winter.


    I don’t believe in fate
    and yet my fate is sealed.
    Before I knew myself
    you sealed it with a kiss.
    I fought my self and yours,
    but open wounds re-healed
    until the flames of pain
    extinguished with a hiss.

    Alas, secure fate
    went quickly off the rail:
    you sealed it with a kiss
    and dropped it in the mail.

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