Tag: metaphorisms

  • Tartan fish swimming through the bones of time

    Time is full of voids,
    empty spaces devoid of substance or meaning.
    You think,
    – Where has the time gone?
    and there is no answer.
    There is evidence:
    worn out shoes, wrinkles, bigger digits on the calendar and your pay slips…
    But the time collapsed, like an empty balloon, and there is nothing there but a thin film of facts.

    Time is supported by a skeleton.
    Big, public ribs – wars and discoveries:
    a burning child running down a dusty street,
    tears in the eyes of a woman who can see again,
    a man stepping in front of a tank,
    another – stepping out of a shuttle into the void,
    facing overpowering odds with the same grim determination.
    Small, private bones:
    sitting on a curb, waiting to be picked up when everyone else is gone,
    feeling your hand on my back while making love – so big and warm,
    holding my child, crying in pain and joy,
    screaming in fear and frustration at the sight of love slipping away,
    laughing helplessly at a silly joke repeated again and again.
    Moments of loss and gain,
    kindness and thoughtlessness,
    Moments that stretch time and give it shape.

    Time has bones,
    bones that keep you up,
    bones that stick in your throat
    and make you choke.

  • Not Fitting In

    A human experience most universally shared is that of not fitting in.

  • Tunnel

    Every tunnel can be like a birth –
    think of it – every tunnel!
    You emerge in a different place
    in alternative light.
    Just avoid going back to your berth,
    running down your runnel.
    Catch the wind and escape into space;
    take delight in your flight.

    Every entrance inside can entrance –
    inner spaces are vast –
    While a path to yourself is a mere aside,
    it can feel like an end.
    Every exit can give you a chance
    to escape from the past.
    Through a tunnel you pass outside,
    to expand and extend.

  • Lights In The Dark

    A sudden smile amidst the hurried crowd,
    in dull routine – imagination’s spark,
    in place of fear – laughing out loud…
    small lights are so precious in the dark!

  • The fence

    I am forever sitting on the fence:
    precariously balanced, too intense;
    the pull to fall on either side – immense
    but if I fall, hence falls my common sense.

  • Transformation

    When the heavens are reflected in the depths –
    throw a rock, watch the transformation.
    Isn’t it more fun than mere reflection?

  • Roots

    I come from a city
    with people born on a blacklist.
    I come from a country
    which has since ceased to exist.
    I come from a culture
    where nothing is what it seems,
    full of loud delusions and stifling truths,
    where language conceals.

    I grew on an ice flow that was cracking and breaking in spring.
    I had to grow my roots wide.
    So far that they reached different shores.
    So strong that they gripped, and mauled, and changed the shoreline.
    So solid that I became a bridge.

    Now, bridges are never safe.
    Never as safe as the solid land –
    or at least they don’t seem to be.
    They sway in the wind,
    they rely on a few points of contact,
    they have to strive just to stay in place.

    You could transport a bridge to a safer place,
    sell it like the proverbial Brooklyn Bridge
    and make some cash on the way,
    or move it for real –
    to a safe harbour, out of the wind.

    But even a broken bridge across the gap
    has more purpose than a bridge on solid land,
    it remains rooted in both shores,
    forever a possibility.

  • Footprints in the Sand

    All that we leave are footprints in the sand.
    They fade in time. As everything, they end.
    But as we look ahead and to the stars
    we leave footprints to fade on moon and Mars.

  • Malignant metaphors

    Black and white thinking:
    always easy
    often beautiful
    never right.

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