Death affects only the living.
The pub is a cemetery
full of bodies that lost their souls
on the way to the office.
Advertising is filling up spaces in our lives,
oversaturating them with salient words and images that carry no meaning,
leaving no space for thought and action, only for reaction,
robbing us of time and space.
After all of the years learning to pay attention,
I find that the most useful ability is the ability to ignore.
Principles and rules are very important, they make you think why breaking them in this case is justifiable.
I’d rather lose an arm and a leg
than be afraid of trying.
After all, limbs and bank accounts
can be fixed,
but a broken spirit is irreparable;
it will haunt you
for the rest of your life –
which would be extremely trying,
Sunlight entangled in accumulation
of spider webs –
more palatable, softer,
but half-dispersed;
as reason and perception –
caught in the web of history,
but also limited…