Tag: poetry

  • The Journey

    We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
    By sea-girls wreathed in seaweed red and brown
    Till human voices wake us, and we drown.

    J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Elliott

    As I walk through the world in the morning, I walk through chores:
    Brush my teeth, feed my flesh, lift my eyes and observe the world.
    See the light watch the shadows: frightened and slightly porous
    It is braving the dark, but the darkness remains unfurled.

    Like a puppy, to no avail
    Light is chasing its own tail.
    Ceaseless effort – no rest, no sleep
    Leaves the shadows dark and deep.
    In the forest, the room, the mind
    They just move as they hide behind,
    They never diminish
    Fade out or finish.

    And the dance goes on, like a tide – as it ebbs, it flows.
    And the mind wanders off, but off what and off when – who knows?

    Oh, but time is a funny thing:
    Lucky – spiral, unlucky – ring;
    Snake consuming its own tail
    Has no future, no past, no fail.
    With no fail comes no gain – no foul.
    As ouroboros tries to howl
    It’s unable to rant and rail,
    Mouth gagged with a scaly tale…

    It is time to abandon this train of thought
    As it leaves us nowhere and profits nought.
    If I look the look, talk the talk
    Then I also should walk the walk.

    As I wend my way through the virgin wood,
    All I see are multiple shades of green,
    All I hear is hue, hue and cry of birds
    Known just by the sounds – a sight unseen.
    But my mind gets pulled from the joy sublime
    Of the sight and sound, the leaves and birds
    To the stinging nettles that intertwine
    Unremitting brambles, as sharp as words:
    “Why the fuck did I wear shorts?”

    As I focus on light and sound,
    I forget to attend to thorns.
    Joy is found, but also bound
    By recurrence of cuts and burns.
    The annoyances and the strain
    Can be taken away by train.

    The train that blurs the near spares far,
    Serenely cloudscapes through heavens glide.
    An airplane left antiseptic scar
    Amid the clouds, stumble on the ride.
    Landscape renews and we in comfort cruise,
    But dusty windows engender dusty views.

    A patch of lights through clouds gives me joy
    Untampered, instant and without words.
    It filters down softly to alloy
    Itself with shadows in subtle smooth sensations –
    The joy of pure vision midst the turds
    Of unremitting complications.

    My elasticity declines as I get older –
    Of skin and time, and arteries, and veins.
    My hands and feet – they are a little colder
    Each winter with increase in aches and pains,
    As well as other relevant increases
    In colds and flu with snottiness and sneezes.
    If snake of time contracts then what remains
    Is an attempt to stretch the space with trains.

    Ouroboros of time constricts my breath.
    As body shrinks my mind expands – and shatters
    Its dissolution congruent with death
    But also with infinity of matters.
    What cannot stretch can break and reassemble.
    Abandon frame, you all who enter here.
    Reconstituted, you will still resemble
    Yourself to others, even those near
    And dear, them, who try to fix in space
    Of ageing body time’s dissolving trace.

    At the end of the day we arrive. It’s a velvet curtain.
    The applause increases politely as curtain drops.
    At the end of the day you are feeling alive and certain.
    Your heartbeat is apparent to you just before it stops.

  • Who are you?

    First you figure out who you are not;
    then you figure out who you are;
    finally, you figure out you are not who.

  • Anniversary Song

    Anniversary song

    My love for you is so strong –
    it’s fathoms deep and furlongs long –
    it spans the continents and disregards all borders.

    My love for you is thick as soup,
    it never dries, though it may droop,
    it stays past closing and outlasts last orders.

    My love is this and also that,
    it wakes with me and comes to bed,
    it feeds on laughter, tears, cheese and beers.

    It lasted me through thick and thin,
    it’s in my heart and in my spleen,
    and here’s “Cheers!” to a lot more years!

  • My Love

    “Oh my Luve is like a red, red rose” – Robert Burns

    My love is like a red, red rose
    the flowers and thorns combined.
    The vivid beauty intertwined
    with sharpness. There is no repose.
    The colour of the velvet petals
    Evokes blood, subsists in blood.
    Ambivalence that never settles
    existed there from the bud.
    My love is like a red, red rose
    it’s in my blood least petals dry.
    In me, with me, as me it grows
    and if it dies the I shall die.

  • Sketching on the train

    The space partitioned by electric wires
    And anchored to the ground by the poles
    Is well and truly caught.
    They cut my vision –
    Straight lines across unending undulation
    Of hills and clouds.
    Ugly not because
    Of shape, but due to insular connections –
    They only touch each other, not the space
    They fracture with the guiltless disregard
    Of those unaware.
    Rest in peace
    My endless space
    Available in pieces.

  • Socrates

    What kills us is certainty,
    unwavering conviction that we are doing the right thing.
    The ends have to be unquestioned to justify the means,
    questions leave room for empathy and doubt.

    Socrates – the man who said that the only certainty is the lack thereof –
    died because of his stubborn conviction that he knew the right thing to do.
    Because eventually even the bravest of us give in
    to the comfort of certain death
    after a lifetime in the quicksand of uncertain truths.

    The only solution is love
    because it makes truth less important than life.

    If Socrates had children,
    he would have lived longer
    and died without leaving a legend.

  • Morning song

    The sun is low
    the moon is high
    the sky’s aglow
    and I get by
    on coffee
    and hope
    and light.

    The heady air
    is in my lungs.
    My head is bare.
    I speak in tongues
    of futures
    and hope
    that’s bright.

    The night is waiting
    but day is long –
    time for creating
    another song
    with nonsense
    and hope
    and rhyme.

    While sun is shining
    there’s time for fun;
    there’s no divining
    when day is done –
    of hope
    and time.

  • This is what democracy looks like:

    A lot of people making the same decision they always did – or no decision at all.
    Making new decisions is difficult.
    It carries a risk of making a mistake and offers no certain reward.
    It’s fundamentally unsafe.
    Better not.

    Quite a few people working hard for no gratitude, no acclaim and not much money.
    For the sake of decency.

    A lot of people working hard for no reason – only money and thinking they are better than the rest.
    They always fail.
    There’s always someone richer.

    A few people yelling as loud as they can – their grievances, their ambitions, their theirness –
    Anything to be seen, for they only feel real when reflected in the eyes of others.
    The eyes turn away and they have to raise the volume.

    Crowds marching, covered in the mantle of righteousness, in the warmth of the herd.

    Dozens of people thinking, writing, quoting.
    Trying hard for new decisions – and never mind the cost.

    A lone man standing in front of a tank in Tianamen square.
    The first person to climb over the Berlin wall.
    A woman dumping green ink into the voting box in Moscow.

    This is what democracy looks like:
    Each of us alone with his choice.

  • Berlin

    My mind is sloshing in an empty brain,
    Forgotten jokes rising to the surface.
    Unbidden tears rising in my eyes,
    Unbound, unconnected and unclear,
    There is no sadness – maybe loss and mourning
    But then for whom or what?
    I am confused.
    I wade through rain and waters of Berlin,
    My mind precedes the tower of Babel –
    It grasps the meaning, but discards the form.
    The language spoken is of no importance
    And does not register or muddy
    The waters – deep and murky as they are,
    With lurking Moray eels and tiny spiders
    Who build a home from the air bubbles,
    All light and sparkle, lightness and the beauty
    Supported by a web of finest silk,
    A bubble dance distorting space and vision,
    Concealing occupant, revealing truth…
    I wander through a half-imagined city
    Of memories and loss and expectations
    With long-forgotten, longed for sense of lightness.
    This, too, shall pass.
    It’s time to gather stones.

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