Tag: poetry

  • Why?

    ‘Why do it?’ as a question clips your wings
    and locks you in a cage of expectations.
    Don’t ask it.
    Ask: ‘Why not?’

  • Overkill

    An observation on metallurgy: if you make a safety net too rigid, it turns into a cage.

  • Border

    Water relentlessly grinding rocks into sand,
    finer and finer,
    until it cannot be supported
    and filters through
    into the depths.
    And there you are –
    right on the border;
    building castles out of sand
    and fortifying them with water.
    Amazingly, it works.

  • Words

    (Part of the image is from Dmitri Plavinsky – Word)

    Sticks and stones can break my bones,
    but words can re-define me.

  • Nightmare

    (Part of the image is from Kliment Redko – Uprising)

    If you want people to hear what you want to say, conceal what you want to say in what they want to hear.

  • Sic Transit

    Sic transit gloria mundi

  • Borders of perception

    In his preamble to ‘Life – A User’s Manual’ Georges Perec talks about the contextual nature of perception, as seen in jigsaw puzzles. He explains how, by manipulating the cut of the pieces and thus taking them out of context, the puzzle-maker can completely determine the puzzle-solver’s experience, ‘the ultimate truth of jigsaw puzzles’. I can, of course, sympathise with his desperate hope that the author can determine what the reader experiences while reading his book. But it is delusional. Our perception of an image, a text, or, in fact, a reality is largely determined by our biases and habits of thought. Politicians and advertisers prove it over and over again by inducing a large percentage of the population to ignore what is – in favour of what they think ought to be. So, don’t get unduly upset at writers and artists. They want to believe that they are movers and shakers – and who doesn’t? In fact, they are at best co-conspirators.

  • Daffodils

    Daffodils growing in a raspberry bush:
    fragile beauty in a cage of thorns;
    a weed among sweet berries…

  • Nursery rhyme

    What are people made of?
    What are people made of?
    Pictures and words,
    Hopes and hurts,
    That’s what people are made of.

    What are people made of?
    What are people made of?
    Clothes and skin,
    Mind and machine,
    That’s what people are made of.

    What are people made of?
    What are people made of?
    Cultures and schemes,
    Mirrors and dreams,
    That’s what people are made of.

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