Tag: poetry

  • Puddle

    The shallowest puddles carry the deepest, most intricate reflections.

  • Beauty

    Old machines have a special kind of utilitarian beauty,
    where form is perfectly fitted to function
    and function can be discerned from it –
    sleek elegance,
    enlivened by the pride of craftsmanship,
    by the care given to details,
    by the wonderfully childish: “See what I can do!”

  • Symmetry

    It is so fascinating because it creates the illusion of predictability,
    because at some level we confuse similarity in space with continuity in time…

  • Discernible differences

    The spaces in our lives are seen in context,
    framed against the background of the familiar
    and noticed when they differ from it –
    but not too much…

  • Through The Trees

    The closer you approach a source of light above,
    the deeper you plunge into the dark.

  • Life IS fair

    In relationships you are paid in kind.
    You invest emotionally – you get love or hate.
    You invest time and effort – you get attention.
    You invest formally – you get a proper spouse.
    You invest financially – you get an expensive divorce.

  • Ideas

    Ideas permeate cultures like rings on the water;
    the stone someone threw is gone, submerged,
    but the ripples go on and on,
    slowing down where the water is thick and marshy,
    amplified by resonance and creating new patterns where they meet waves from other stones…
    There is almost nothing more powerful;
    while there is water the ripples will go on,
    where there is water – the ripples will get there,
    sooner or later…

  • Reality

    Our most amazing ability is the ability to ignore.
    As we grow, we learn not by multiplying connections in the brain, but by losing them.
    We combine our expectations and biases with our perceptions,
    which are themselves fictions created by our brains
    simplifying and organizing multiple chaotic inputs.
    Thus we create a thin veneer of simplicity and predictability
    over terrifyingly unmanageable chaos
    and call it reality.

  • Level of abstraction

    Nothing generates as much philosophical drivel as incorrectly chosen level of abstraction.
    “What are the origins of evil?” –
    ask a stupid question – get a religion.

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