Tag: poetry

  • Water

    The mystery and majesty of the deep dark wood,
    largely invisible without spotlights.

  • Life

    Life passes through the pool of light:
    a happy couple, oblivious to the world, seeing only their dreams reflected in each other…
    a lonely thinker, looking in astonishment at how small the light is compared to the vastness of its absence…
    and they are gone…

  • Campfire Stories

    Fear – the most atavistic of our instincts.
    Fear of others robs us of our kindness by becoming aggression.
    Fear of loss robs us of our freedom by becoming routine.
    Fear of death robs us of our dignity by becoming religion.
    Fear is why there is nothing more important
    than the illusion that monsters do not exist
    by the camp-fire in the night.


    Don’t make unnecessary choices,
    it really doesn’t matter what colour shoes you are wearing today!

  • Me and Mark Twain are like that!

    Our planet seems to be becoming smaller by the year,
    as technology and communications develop, and yet …
    When I encounter popular media
    with our mediaeval debates about local religions or news
    with our primitive tribal politics,
    I keep thinking:
    “Things are getting better…
    most people are still poorly educated…
    it is just a matter of time…”
    and then I read Mark Twain
    and realise that this is how he consoled himself
    more than a hundred years ago…

  • That Way

    Wanderers and wonderers –
    displaced, dispossessed,
    question marks in our sentences,
    yeast in our dough.
    They are thoughts and people
    who cause us unrest
    for you have to see your discomfort
    in order to grow.

  • The semiotics of public spaces

    Isn’t it amazing
    how signs are so much more efficient at destroying meaning
    than at conveying it?

  • Been there, done that…

    The “seen it” phenomenon almost completely passed me by.
    I cannot understand how it is possible to be bored by too much experience.
    The more things we see – the more patterns we notice.
    The more patterns we notice – the more things we find interesting.
    When we pay attention, experience is the act of creation:
    of an image out of patterns of light and dark,
    of a thought out of words and images,
    of a world out of perceptions and thoughts…
    One notable exception is the entertainment industry,
    where the “seen it” phenomenon happens to me all the time.

  • Patriotism

    Patriotism is a bizarre belief
    that we are better than everyone else
    because we happened to be born in a particular place or into a particular group.
    Sociologically it is maintained by politicians
    as one of the cheapest and most efficient methods of control.
    Individually, it is maintained by our refusal to examine a premise
    that gives us a warm and glowy feeling of being special.

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