Tag: poetry

  • Patterns

    If you think about it,
    thinking has a paradoxical quality to it.
    It is a process of creating patterns and reducing complexity.
    Too much complexity is random noise – it is ugly and makes us think.
    We think.
    We create elegant patterns.
    We create structure.
    But too much structure is fundamentally boring –
    for there is nothing to think about!

  • Light and Dark

    The lurid hues of sunset
    make lamplight almost invisible –
    but how they clarify the darkness!

  • Synaesthesia

    There are times in life when synaesthesia becomes inescapable,
    when water smells like lead and feels blue…
    when you forget what things are supposed to be and –
    just for a second –
    perceive some of what they are…
    or – a more frightening thought –
    you forget what you are supposed to be…

  • The curtain

    The wings of night cover the sky,
    subtly changing the quality of light,
    imperceptibly turning it into a highlight for darkness…
    The time of transformation,
    the time of uncertainty,
    the time of magic.
    The curtain of the day –
    was the play worth it?

  • A monument to Yuri Gagarin in London – verse 1

    The city is made of shadows of history,
    from the heavy metal shadows of ideas,
    through the solid, slightly organic, old-stone shadows of creation,
    to the barely noticeable, evanescent shadows of lives unexamined and barely lived,
    momentarily dispersed by prevalent winds,
    lives of which the city itself is composed,
    its life blood,
    without which it is just a heap of stuff,
    a stone doll-house decorated by metal figurines…

  • A monument to Yuri Gagarin in London – verse 2

    Everything burns up in time:
    and all the losses but the first one are completely non-significant.

  • A closed door

    The call of a closed door:
    the enigma,
    the adventure,
    the impossible dream of understanding…

  • The tree

    I look with my mind and I see symbols: words, trees, clouds…
    I look with my eyes and I see a chaos of lines and dots, shades and shadows…
    At no point do I see the tree.

  • Rosebud

    Look for a face,
    look for a bird,
    look for a dance…
    look for love,
    look for betrayal,
    look for greed…
    You always see what you look for.

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