Tag: red

  • My Love

    “Oh my Luve is like a red, red rose” – Robert Burns

    My love is like a red, red rose
    the flowers and thorns combined.
    The vivid beauty intertwined
    with sharpness. There is no repose.
    The colour of the velvet petals
    Evokes blood, subsists in blood.
    Ambivalence that never settles
    existed there from the bud.
    My love is like a red, red rose
    it’s in my blood least petals dry.
    In me, with me, as me it grows
    and if it dies the I shall die.

  • Colours Of Thought

    The colours of thought
    deep inside our minds,
    behind the facade –
    black, white and blood-red.
    We can sing the rainbow,
    we can paint the rainbow,
    we can talk the rainbow…
    but they remain
    behind the eyes,
    deep inside the soul,
    the colours of emotion –
    black, white and blood-red.

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