Tag: rose

  • My Love

    “Oh my Luve is like a red, red rose” – Robert Burns

    My love is like a red, red rose
    the flowers and thorns combined.
    The vivid beauty intertwined
    with sharpness. There is no repose.
    The colour of the velvet petals
    Evokes blood, subsists in blood.
    Ambivalence that never settles
    existed there from the bud.
    My love is like a red, red rose
    it’s in my blood least petals dry.
    In me, with me, as me it grows
    and if it dies the I shall die.

  • Look-see

    Cherries soaking up the sun –
    filled with liquid sweetness…
    Roses taking the light full-on –
    harsh contrast between the petals,
    drama concretised in colour…
    A fly –
    black hole in space,
    consuming the light completely,
    transforming it into boundless energy,
    incessant buzzing.
    A quiet afternoon
    with time
    to look and see.

  • Rosebud

    Look for a face,
    look for a bird,
    look for a dance…
    look for love,
    look for betrayal,
    look for greed…
    You always see what you look for.

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