Tag: self

  • Spiral

    You make choices.
    Those choices make you.
    Then you makes choices.
    Always a spiral – upwards or downwards – it’s your choice.

  • Abandoned

    Forgotten rooms, abandoned spaces, full of rubbish. Rubbish that drives you mad. Leave it there in the dark. Leave it there to rot – ugly feelings, broken relationships, things you had to forget in order to forgive… Lock the door and throw away the key. Phew… Isnt’t it better? You can start with a clean slate, clear conscience, honest gaze. Aren’t you nice? You can be happy now. You can be whole and pure. You can flower, a beautiful snow-drop, untouched by the rotting rubbish. Oh, but it gets in through the roots, it fills your fruit with poison of all that festered there, in the dark, in the abandoned spaces. You try desperately: keeping your thoughts pure and your living clean… but the poison coursing through your veins makes you into a deadly nightshade. All that you touch withers and dies, it turns into rubbish. Rubbish that drives you mad. You build them up, layer upon layer, abandoned spaces, forgotten rooms. How many layers now? How many more can you build, before you realise that you can never start over, never be clean, never become a snow-drop… before you scream, shrill and ugly, through tears and despair, bending over the withered remains of another broken relationship. And there is no way back, no way to clean out the spaces that feed your roots, for they are the forgotten rooms, the rooms that you locked and threw away the key.

  • Tartan fish swimming through the bones of time

    Time is full of voids,
    empty spaces devoid of substance or meaning.
    You think,
    – Where has the time gone?
    and there is no answer.
    There is evidence:
    worn out shoes, wrinkles, bigger digits on the calendar and your pay slips…
    But the time collapsed, like an empty balloon, and there is nothing there but a thin film of facts.

    Time is supported by a skeleton.
    Big, public ribs – wars and discoveries:
    a burning child running down a dusty street,
    tears in the eyes of a woman who can see again,
    a man stepping in front of a tank,
    another – stepping out of a shuttle into the void,
    facing overpowering odds with the same grim determination.
    Small, private bones:
    sitting on a curb, waiting to be picked up when everyone else is gone,
    feeling your hand on my back while making love – so big and warm,
    holding my child, crying in pain and joy,
    screaming in fear and frustration at the sight of love slipping away,
    laughing helplessly at a silly joke repeated again and again.
    Moments of loss and gain,
    kindness and thoughtlessness,
    Moments that stretch time and give it shape.

    Time has bones,
    bones that keep you up,
    bones that stick in your throat
    and make you choke.

  • There is always a choice

    …and the final choice of all:
    you can always stay behind
    in the place you can control,
    in the prison of your mind…

  • My

    Inspired by The Amazing Randi

    My mind is a forest.
    An impossible cathedral
    with boundless pillars of trunks
    and coloured light spearing through
    the stained glass of the canopy.
    The truth and beauty of it are breath-taking!
    And I walk through life
    looking up at the light
    with dry golden eyes,
    ever so beautiful…
    Until I trip over the roots,
    twisted roots of my forest,
    lies to myself and others,
    grown out of fear,
    and habit,
    and kindness,
    and love.
    And I find myself
    in the deep dark wood,
    staring with dark green eyes
    filled with tears
    at the light ahead.
    My roots,
    my trees,
    my pain,
    my joy.

  • Stair

    On the stair
    I sit and stare
    at the sea and sky
    and the world pass by
    inside and out –
    bizarre throughout.
    All said and done,
    it’s mostly fun
    on the stair
    leading nowhere.

  • Colours Of Thought

    The colours of thought
    deep inside our minds,
    behind the facade –
    black, white and blood-red.
    We can sing the rainbow,
    we can paint the rainbow,
    we can talk the rainbow…
    but they remain
    behind the eyes,
    deep inside the soul,
    the colours of emotion –
    black, white and blood-red.

  • Transformation

    As we adapt to our world we also define it,
    bending the space around the shell we build.
    Spirals are best.

  • Light and shadow

    Birds live in the light,
    clear and bright;
    freedom of flight.

    Fish live in the depths,
    swathed and complex;
    joy of orgasm.

    We live in-between,
    under the skin;
    over the chasm.

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