Tag: space

  • Sketching on the train

    The space partitioned by electric wires
    And anchored to the ground by the poles
    Is well and truly caught.
    They cut my vision –
    Straight lines across unending undulation
    Of hills and clouds.
    Ugly not because
    Of shape, but due to insular connections –
    They only touch each other, not the space
    They fracture with the guiltless disregard
    Of those unaware.
    Rest in peace
    My endless space
    Available in pieces.

  • Empty space

    Your voice lulls me to sleep.
    Your snoring fails to keep me up.
    Your moving in bed does not wake me.
    But when you get up in the night
    your absence screams in my ears,
    it prods and pokes at me
    and I wake up with a start,
    finding a loud, obnoxious empty space
    interfering with my sleep.
    I don’t lose sleep over you –
    I loose sleep over the empty space
    where you should be.

  • Further Reductions

    Urban spaces –
    they do their best to define us
    as we do our best to push through the visual noise,
    through the cultural pollution of busy streets,
    through life thrust at us easily and cheaply –
    consumed, discarded, unlived…

  • Transformation

    As we adapt to our world we also define it,
    bending the space around the shell we build.
    Spirals are best.

  • Simple logic

    If you spend enough time filling your space with junk, you inevitably run out of both.

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