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Sample of Alchemy chemical/x-alchemy file format Locate in Contents

This is also an example of an inline molecule. Note the use of xml entities to preserve new-lines.

<object type="chemical/x-alchemy" width="640" height="480" >
    <param name="caption" value="Ethane"/>
    <param name="inline" value="Ethane&#xA;
    8 ATOMS,     7 BONDS&#xA;
    1 C3    -0.6443   0.4059   0.0000&#xA;
    2 C3     0.6443  -0.4059   0.0000&#xA;
    3 H     -0.4089   1.4937   0.0000&#xA;
    4 H     -1.2458   0.1653   0.9050&#xA;
    5 H     -1.2458   0.1653  -0.9050&#xA;
    6 H      0.4089  -1.4937   0.0000&#xA;
    7 H      1.2458  -0.1653   0.9050&#xA;
    8 H      1.2458  -0.1653  -0.9050&#xA;
     1    1     2  SINGLE  &#xA;
     2    1     3  SINGLE  &#xA;
     3    1     4  SINGLE  &#xA;
     4    1     5  SINGLE  &#xA;
     5    2     6  SINGLE  &#xA;
     6    2     7  SINGLE  &#xA;
     7    2     8  SINGLE  &#xA;